Chapter 1: Percy Finds Where He Belongs

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I slipped in to camp with out being noticed and went to the Mess Hall to look for Annabeth I had just finished a quest for the gods, finding Pandora's Box. As I entered everyone grew silent then suddenly they started to cheer for me! I got slaps on the back and best of all Annabeth came up to me and kissed me, at that moment I felt as though nothing could go wrong. If only I knew then how mistaken I was. At that very moment the gods flashed in and they looked furious.

"You Percy Jackson are hereby banished for your treason, you will not be able to come back to camp under any circumstances for we do not want the filth of you in this camp."

"What!" I was flabbergasted how could they say such things about me I did nothing. "What did I do to deserve such treatment how did I betray you?" I said

"You have been found guilty of conspiring with Gaea and telling her about our forces and weak points." Thundered Zeus

"Yeah I totally betrayed you if betraying means saving your lives millions of times! Or if it means the same thing as loyalty because if it is then betraying is my fatal flaw! Since I am not as thick as Athena seams to think I know what that word means! But I would like to ask you one thing what makes you think that I would do that, and were is your prof?"

Zeus roared with anger "Athena herself heard you say to Gaea that you wanted to kill us and she also heard that you thought that Annabeth was a dimwitted girl for obeying the gods every whim! Now stop speaking! If you are so sure about your self lets put this to a vote, all in favor of banishment for this demigod please signify by raising your hand, all the gods except for Hades and Hestia raised there hands. "Now campers," Zeus spoke again "what do you think, should he be banished?" (I know many of you have questions about how couldn't Apollo tell that Athena was lying, well if you want the answers look at chapter 22 it will tell you all you need to know. But please just read the whole story.)

I knew everyone would side with me because I had fought so many battles with them but their answers scared me. They started to raise there hands, but the saddest of all was that Annabeth the girl that I had loved for years, was the first person to raise their hand. Because Annabeth and I were practically the leaders of the camp after Annabeth raised her hand the hands flooded the building until every single demigods hand was raised. As soon as I saw that I knew that I had to go, so I sadly walked of to cabin three to collect my belongings, and I left, and for the second time I didn't look back. For three years I survived on my own, hunting my own food, surviving on scraps of meat always hungry. When I think of that horrible god Poseidon I now know that he never cared for my mum but thought here as minotaur chum because while I was at camp-half dung a minotaur broke into our apartment and killed my mum! I wanted revenge on the gods but I knew it would have to wait until I got stronger. Suddenly there was this weird swirly thing that popped out of nowhere and a man stepped out.

"Skylex your here! I have missed you so much! Your brothers and sisters will be so excited to see you!" Said the strange man.

"I am sorry but who are you? And I'm sorry to brake it to you but I'm not your son, I am the son of the retched sea god Poseidon," I said.

"Oh Skylex if only you remembered," he mumbled "Sorry, to answer your question I am Chaos creator of the universe, and you are my son Skylex. Unfortunately you were saving the planet Kozmer and you took a sword to the neck so Tartarus, your younger brother could live. I was wondering if you would ever return from the Void and eventually you did. Now that I have explained all that junk would you please come with me to planet Chaos so I can return your memories, and reinstate you as the commander and assassin, of my forces, please." he said.

For a moment I just stand there stunned at what he just said! This would give me another life so I could forget those retched gods, then a weird thought popped into my head who knew the creator of everything could be so relaxed. As soon as I realized that he wanted a direct answer I immediately spouted out, "Of course! Please take me to the Void."

Now that I look back on that experience I now know that you are to never trust the gods completely, or then again at all because the only thing that they do well is making the life of a demigod miserable. But at the same time I am so thankful to them because I know why I never truly belonged. Because I am Skylex son of Chaos prince of the Galaxy's Assassin of many.

AN I did not come up with Percy Jackson, unfortunately that privilege belongs to Rick Riordan (lucky duck) thank you so much for reading this. Love all of you who read this! Oh and please if you have any ideas please give them to me I would very happy if you did that, but please no flames I hate swearing, sorry just a personal preference. Hey so I realize that a lot of you took part of this story in the wrong way... Sorry, here is the revised version. 

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