Chapter 7: Assassinating, and More, Oh Boy What a Day.

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Hey guys, I'm back, enjoy the next part of the story. Have Fun!

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me I could feel the stench of fear coming off him. He was going to pay for what he did. I threw a knife at him and pinned him to a wall. I was chasing Mickal Bornder he was a rapist and a murderer.

Ever since Parill got kidnapped I wouldn't rest until I found her, so that’s when I started to do more missions to take my mind off of her. While my friends went off to look for her. Pops said the other day that “The best thing for you to do would be to go on more missions, and to train. That is how you can help her best, once you reach your full potential then you can go look for her. I know your taking this hard I miss her to, but you can't waist you time looking for her, because she is with someone who doesn't want to be found, and that is the hardest place to start. Just wait in time he will make an error and then once he does we will get him, and Parill.” Ever since he said that I started to work my hardest. Some nights I would only get a couple hours of sleep.

“Mickal you will be punished for what you did, do you have any last words you would like to say?” I whispered harshly. By now he was shaking so violently it looked like he was having a mini seizure. “Y...Yes,” he stuttered. “I I was proud of what I did and I hope you get killed one day,” he said. “I was hoping you would say that,” I replied jubilantly. I slit his throat cleanly, and then started to chant. “Στείλτε τον στο κενό , όπου το σώμα του ανήκει να τον στείλει στο κενό και να του δώσει το δικαίωμα πλήρους λόγω του τον στείλει στο κενό και να τον αφήσει να μάθετε τι έκανε λάθος να τον στείλει εκεί για να ξεκουραστούν για πάντα σε αιώνια τιμωρία . Ως εκ τούτου, ας αυτό είναι γιατί Skylex γιος του Χάους να τον στείλει εκεί για να ξεκουραστούν για πάντα.” “Send him to the void where his body belongs send him to the void and give him his right full due send him to the void and let him learn what he did wrong send him there to rest for ever in eternal punishment. Therefore let this be for I Skylex son of Chaos send him there to rest forever.

While I was chanting his body began to glow and streams of fire rapped themselves around his body. As soon as I had finished chanting his body disappeared. Then a voice flooded through my head. “Skylex there's another person named Zella Rainler and she needs saving she's a daughter of Kronos and Khione. You need to go and save her she's about to be killed by the gods and demigods. Go and save her, I don't know how much time she has left. Her coordinates are as follows, please hurry, she is a kind person and she needs you to help her.” As soon as he gave me her coordinates I opened a portal and whisked quickly in her direction. A couple seconds later I landed in Camp-Half Blood. “Oh this is going to be so much fun,” I thought to myself.

“Zella, you have been found guilty of being Kronos's daughter and a Titian. Do you have any last words?” Proclaimed a mighty voice, suddenly something clicked in my brain it was Zeus’s voice, and he was going to kill this girl just because she was a daughter of Kronos! It was then that I decided that I would make a dramatic entrance instead of being stealthy.

I made my aura be its fullest potential and I cloaked myself in darkness. It was so dark that not even Hades could see through it. And then I started to walk towards Zeus. “What kind of god are you that you could put an innocent person on trial just because you think they had an evil father?” I boomed. “You are a disgrace to the gods, sadly my father told me that I could not kill you, but if he hadn't you would have been in the void ages ago.” I contorted my voice so that it came to them through all directions.

“Who are you?” Zeus's voice was shaking with fear, and I drank it all in relishing the feeling of revenge, he was getting what he deserved. “Who am I?” I laughed. “You are not someone who has the right to know, I do not know you well enough and nor should I like to. No I shall not tell you my name but if you must call me something call me your eminence or your ruler.” I said with relish, now every god was quaking an I loved it. The fear radiating off them and all the demigods was enough to fuel my torture chambers for a couple years. (Will be explained in a later chapter)

Then I started to reveal myself, I was still dressed in my assassin clothing, but I added a leather jacket with a hood so no one could see my face. “I shall never call you my ruler,” Zeus said angrily, but I could tell that it was still laced with fear. Suddenly he picked up his master bolt and shot me. With a lazy flick of my hand I created a force field around me, it was no big deal, it was practically an every day occurrence. Even Silena's shots where harder to block!

The master bolt bounced of my force field and headed back towards Zeus with such force he flew in to the air like a firework on the Fourth of July. As fast as he went up though he came down. CRASH! There was a gasp of horror from everyone. Zeus crawled from the crater caked with dirt, and something slimy. “You will pay for that you insolent boy! He got in a position to fight when suddenly Athena spoke up.

AN: Did you enjoy the cliff hanger? I would love to hear from you guys please write to me or reveiw my story I would love to hear from you guys love you all have a great day. I'll try to post agian tomorrow. BY!

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