𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴;

444 47 32

  ㅡ;  ''so where are you heading to?'' the tall tree that goes by the name junkyu, asked after he has popped the two pieces of gum into his mouth, whipping that smirk back onto his face.

''school.'' mashiho sighed, ''but since the train was so late, i can't imagine the beating i'll get from mr. kim.''

the taller snorted, tilting his head down a little to not snort right into mashiho's face. ''yeah, school can be a big pain, what grade are you in?''

''i'm a junior, grade eleven.'' the shorter smiled, adjusting his body so he can talk o junkyu more comfortably and not be standing body-first in front of some old lady. 

''o,'' the taller smiled again. curse that cute smile, it's honestly going to be the death of mashiho. ''i'm older than you.''

''oh,'' mashiho awkwardly bowed, ''sorry for talking informally.''

junkyu merely laughed again and patted the younger on the arm, ''it's okay mashi. i don't care about honorifics as much as i should.''

they fell into a comfortable silence for a few stops, haruto still listening to his music, keeping an eye on mashiho, and junkyu staring tiredly out of the train window.

''since you're my hyung, does that mean you're a senior?'' he fluffy haired male asked, starting up a conversation in the noisy train.

junkyu shuffled awkwardly on his feet, smiling slightly, ''technically yeah..'' he paused for a second as if contemplating whether or not to continue.

''you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.'' the japanese male panicked slightly, scared that he might have gone too personal for a simple train ride.

''hey don't worry.'' the taller chuckled, yet again, sending mashiho's heart into a rollercoaster ride. ''it's not like i have anything to lose.'' 

''i actually dropped out last year, due to some family issues that have now been, uh, resolved. i work part time now, that's actually where i'm going now.''  the smile didn't leave junkyus face as he talked, eyes full of reassurance that he really doesn't mind telling mashiho this.

it kinda made mashiho feel happy that the stranger already trusts him enough to share such information with him, but it also made him a little sad, knowing that the other doesn't even really care about telling a complete stranger this kind of information.

''i see.'' the shorter smiled back, ''good luck at work today.''

''thank you.''

and yet again they fell into a comfortable silence.

  ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  

''i have to get off on the next stop...'' mashiho mumbled to junkyu, who had come noticeably closer, now both of them almost chest to chest. junkyu said it was to ''hear better.''

"oh.." he looked back down at mashiho, "well, i hope today goes well, let's see each other soon!"

"yeah." mashi smiled back, "don't be a stranger."

"i won't" the taller smiled, and then wobbled a little, since the train stopped, "do well, mashi"

"thank you again, it was nice talking to you." the shorter waved and slowly exited the train alongside haruto, who had finally taken out his earphones.

with one last glace, mashiho watched the train doors close and speed off to the next station.

haruto nodded his head to the train when the both of them were off of the train, "who that?"

the other turned around and started walking to their school. "junkyu," he smiled, "kim junkyu."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

just as mashiho expected, explaining to mr. kim, why he missed class, was useless. the old man simply hit him with the: "stop making up things and act more like an adult."

mashiho sighed as he slid deeper into his chair.

''what goes on mash?'' mahiro asked, plopping his dark blue food tray right next to mashiho's bright red one. ''you seem stressed.''

''no, it's just the usual.'' the latter sighed, ''i'm just stressed over history again. the train was very late this morning and mr.kim was not having it.''

''ah,''mahiro said sympathetically, ''i know the feeling. he made me re-take a fullon test because, and i qoute, ''there is no way in hell you got all of the answer right, that is impossible.'' and i've been bitter since.'' 

''god, what a petty man.''

the both friends ate in silence, making small talk here and there - asking how did their lessons go, what are they doing after and so on. it was nice, mashiho and mahiro have been good friends for about four years, both meeting in a korean class.

mashiho found out that mahiro was also japanese and they just hit it off after that. a very soft story if you ask haruto.

"what are you doing after school?" his friend asked, stuffing a forkfull of salad into his mouth. "i was thinking we could head to asahi's place, maybe play some games."

mashiho deflated a little, knowing fully well that he can't hang out with his japanese friends, "i can't. i have to go back home, mom said she wants to call today."

"it's okay bud," mahiro smiled, "family comes first after all."

the shorter smiler happily at his friend and started eating his own, slightly forgotten, food.

  ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  

''bye mashi!''mahiro and haruto waived at him all three of them exited the school ground, going in different directions.

mashiho was tired. all he wished to do was go home and sleep, but it was only monday and he still had to skype his mother who he hadn't talked to in a while, seeing as he was busy with school and she had her own job to do - along with the forsaken timezone.

he sighed again, wrapping his thick, knitted sweater around his neck, cursing the ungodly weather.

mashiho missed home. who wouldn't? back home he had his whole family and all of his childhood. but in life, you always have to make sacrifices to succeed or reach a certain goal. the thing that's keeping mashiho going is that he knows when he finished university and gets a stable job, he'll happily get to go back home to his dear family.

with a low grunt, mashiho turned the corner to head to the somewhat close convenience store to pick up something to eat for him and haruto, when he gets home.

opening the heavy door, mashiho was greeted by the bell and the warmth of the small store.

''hello-'' mashiho paused mid-sentence, seeing the familiar face of a certain pretty boy on the train.

with a soft and fold smile, the other replied, ''hey mashi.''

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