Chapter 1

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My name is Tori. I work at a place called Joe's Coffee Shop. One day though something happened, well I mean I met someone. Who would have thought that this guy would change my life forever. His name is Zeke.
I remember him coming into the coffee shop one day and asking for an application. I had run to the back room to grab him one. He kept smiling at me and I thought it was cute. I was only just getting used to working there myself so the fact that there was gonna be someone else new here made me feel a bit more comfortable. Zeke though made me feel weird. He was so handsome and he made my inside all tingly. I thought it was cute.
The next day I walked into the shop. I was the only one there because it was my day to open. Then I heard the door open, I looked up from taking down some of the chairs from the tables. When I looked up I looked up right into Zeke's beautiful eyes. I could feel my cheeks getting red so I smiled to cover it up.
"Hey Zeke I didn't expect you to be working already I thought Joe might put you through training before he put you on the job." I said.
"Joe told me you were supposed to be the only one working so he thought it would be a great idea for you to train me. He said you were one of the best coffee maker he has ever met." Zeke said.
I chuckled, "Okay I wouldn't go that far but yeah I am pretty good at making coffee. I've been working here for only a few weeks though so I'm only still getting used to the shop and where everything is so if I don't know where something is just kinda just start lookin for it. Sound good?" I asked.
"Sounds good to me... What's your name again?" He asked.
"Oh I'm Tori." I said.
"Well Tori it's nice to officially met you. I'm Zeke." He said.
"I know," I giggled, "Joe has told me a bit about you."
"Oh like what?" Zeke asked.
"Oh that you're a great kid and stuff like that and I don't have to worry bout you that much." I said.
"Well that's good." He said.
"Yeah. Now you gonna come help me or what?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm coming." Zeke said.
And then our shift began.

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