I am on my own

19 1 2

I am on my own
My heart beating with warmth
My head held high
Even if I'm broken inside
Light shines bright
But I know it can't warm my insides
Darkness takes me in
Surrounds me and overwhelms my senses
I loose myself
Control slippping from my grasp
Dancing in the dark
In between the lines of right and wrong
Perpectives change
I'm not what I used to be
And little did I know
That deep inside I've always known
That one day my soul will turn black
My mind frayed at the edges
My heart too blind to believe
It had gone numb
For I had ignored it for too long
There's no escape
So I stand tall
And embrace my fate
Even thought the impending doom drags me down
The high won't last
So I've got to give it all I got
I am on my own
Alone till the end
I guess I've always known

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