The swirls of darkness

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The swirls of darkness 

Inside my heart 

Increase their measure by bounds 

Every time I  fall 

Deeper into you trap 

Each and every time 

I let you drag me down 

I let you have your way 

Because in the end 

I'm just another game for you to play 

The swirls of darkness 

Eat me up from the inside 

Because every time I hit the ground 

A pice of my soul turns black 

My soul which was once pure 

Untouched by your callous hands 

Evet situation I find myself in 

Happens to be adverse 

You keep hunting me down 

The roles reversed 

My escape unreal 

The swirls of darkness

Change into currents 

I keep fighting 

Even when its futile 

The darkness flows through my veins 

The inky black enveloping my soul 

I try relentlessly 

To escape fron your clutches 

Im afraid i dont know 

Who will consume me first 

You or would it be my darkness ?

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