Just a game

13 1 1

Holding you close
The rest of the universe could be anything it wanted
You are all I needed
I couldn't see anything else
You had me blinded
The rest of them were shouting loud
But I couldn't hear
Not a single word went through my ear
I gave myself upto you
And when you left
You broke me hard
I say I'm fine
And its hard
To smile and live
When I feel empty inside
But what can I do
All of me left the day you did
I never got to say goodbye
I hope you're now living a better life
Better than me anyways
My hope is crushed
I am burning in my own fears
Insecurities cloud me
And my judgment is misplaced
Just like on the day
The day we took place
I let you in
So I'm the one to blame
You were my love
But to you I was only a game 

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