02 - a good morning 2

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"Yang Jooyeon." One of the directors called, Jooyeon quickly took off her sweater and folded it neatly on the ground before rushing to the center of the auditorium floor. As eyes glued on her, the silence is defeaning until she could hear murmurs from other dancers outside the auditorium halls, she could even hear her own heartbeat, the sound of her pointe shoes, her soft breathing; and shutter clicks from Kihyun's camera. Jooyeon positioned herself on the center, before lowering herself down as she extended her left leg and her arms and hands covering her upper torso, as if she's hugging someone tightly, as if she's a butterfly that's about to born. Heejin straightened her posture, clasping her hands as she's getting anxious when Jooyeon's audition is about to start. The directors already grew silent, waiting for Jooyeon to start her routine. Then, Première Gymnopédie by Erik Satie starts to play, the soft piano melody encapsulate the whole studio. Jooyeon starts to move her body, graceful and light, even the sound of the tip of her pointe shoes whenever it makes contact with the floor sounds so soft. It almost feels like Jooyeon is dancing on top of a thin ice, making sure to not make any cracks or space for mistakes. The way her chiffon skirt flows around as she turns around into a pirrouette, everything about her screams fragile until her fingertips. Kihyun couldn't help but stopped taking photos and his eyes carefully watches Jooyeon's movements. He unconsciously lowered his camera, and he could feel he's holding his breath.

Minhyuk nudged Hyungwon's elbow, signalling him to look over Kihyun, and Hyungwon held his laughter as he pursed his lips, shaking his head and continued his job, taking photos of Jooyeon and the other spectators. Heejin smiled softly as she knew that Jooyeon is nailing the audition, she let out a soft sigh as she leaned her back to the chair, content with Jooyeon's performance; even that feeling painted on the directors faces, it feels like they finally found their new muse for this upcoming concept and original repertoire. It felt like a trance, Jooyeon's lips tugged into a smile as her routine ends, Heejin automatically clapped her hands, earning dagger-like glares from the directors. Even Kihyun also joined Heejin but then stopped immediately before the glares landed on him. "Okay, we'll get the results out within a few hours so, thank you so much Jooyeon, you can have your break." One of the directors said, earning a nod from Jooyeon. "Have you talked to her?" Heejin turned around to see Kihyun who's busy with his camera, "Hm? Y-yeah a bit? Why?" Kihyun puzzled at the sudden question coming out from Heejin, "Nothing." She stood from her seat and approached Jooyeon, who's currently putting on her sweater once more, "Let's get some coffee and get some fresh air!" Heejin placed her arm around Jooyeon's shoulders, before looking back at Kihyun and others. "We're not asking them to join us?" Jooyeon asked Heejin as she opened the doors. "Nah. Those boys got things to do. You need to focus on your concert~" "But--" "No buts, okay come on." Heejin poked Jooyeon on her cheek, leading her way out from the auditorium hall.

Well, there he is, standing there, dumbfounded, watching Jooyeon walked out from the auditorium, but that milisecond of their eye contact, almost made Kihyun's heart burst out in that moment. "Jesus. Ki. You're head over heels already?" Minhyuk smacked Kihyun right behind his head, snapping him back to reality. "Dude. No." Kihyun moved away from Minhyuk, now focusing on taking photos of the directors, busy with their deliberation for the result of the audition. "I can see hearts in your eyes, you idiot." Minhyuk teased, "How the hell you can see hearts in my eyes? You're hallucinating and it's concerning me. Get to work." This time Kihyun smacked Minhyuk right on his forehead, earninga faint groan from the latter.

- - -

The halls are packed with dancers crowding at one spot, the audition result was announced and laced on the information board. There are tears forming, groans, sighs, and lour chatter regarding the result. The trio; Kihyun, Minhyuk, and Hyungwon are seen around the hall as well, taking pictures of the candid reactions of the dancers. Heejin and Jooyeon walked in with hot coffee warming their hand. "Is the result is out?" Jooyeon whispered to Heejin, and both of the quicken their steps to see the result. Some of the dancers are looking at Jooyeon, some of them making a way for her to squeeze in the crowd. That moment, Kihyun saw Jooyeon amongst the dancers, and he quickly took his camera and pointed at her, waiting for her reaction.

Shutter clicks.

Her eyes widen in shock.

Shutter clicks.

Tears pooling in her eyes and her hand covered her mouth.

Shutter clicks.

She turned around to see Heejin with lips tugged into a wide smile.

Shutter clicks.

Her eyes crinkled as her laughter rang as Heejin pulled her into a tight hug.

Shutter clicks.

Tears rolled down onto her cheeks and that content smile painted on her face, Heejin pulled from the hug to wipe her happy tears.

Shutter clicks.

Jooyeon caught Kihyun's lens and she smiled widely at him.

Thank you, my lucky charm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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