Part One-The Tree House

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  • Dedicated to Marta Burgess

Chapter 1-The Arrival

Finally!  The day I’ve been waiting for, summer!  School got out yesterday and it feels great to be free!  I’m going to miss a lot of people, but that’s okay because I’ve got Zack and Stephanie to keep me company.  Zack and Stephanie are two of my best friends; I’ve known them ever since I was little.  Zack is a month older than me and shorter than I am.  He has brown curly hair, blue eyes, and he wears contacts.  He usually comes over everyday with Stephanie and we all hang out.  He’s a cool guy, he has an awesome sense of humor and he’s very sarcastic.  Stephanie is two months younger than I am; we are all close when it comes to age.  Stephanie has straight, long blond hair and hazel eyes.  She’s a tom-boy and likes to longboard, she hates most girly things.  I’m glad she’s not like most girls, most teenage girls can’t control their emotions and it drives me insane.  Stephanie is one of the only girls I know who can keep her cool.  She’s always calm and has something interesting to say.  Then there’s the three of us together, we had the best times as kids; always getting into trouble, going on adventures, playing games we made up.  My friends are the best, they always make me laugh.

            The first thing I usually do when I get home from school is watch TV, then I do my homework.  Since I don’t have homework, all I can do is watch TV and do whatever I want!  Summer is the best!  Mom is always home when I’m home.  She has a really good work schedule; she leaves at eight in the morning and gets home at one in the afternoon.  She works at an Elementary school just down a few blocks.  She’s a pretty cool mom, cooler than most parents.  Sitting on the couch and doing nothing feels absolutely great!  Ding dong!  That’s the doorbell, it’s probably Zack or Stephanie. 

“Come in!” yeah, it was them. 

Zack walked in first and sat on the couch, Stephanie came in behind him and sat next to him. 

“What’s up guys?” 

“Not much, just been a couch potato.  Looks like you’re having the time of your life sitting on that couch!”  Zack always had something sarcastic to say. 

“Haha oh sure, having the time of my life while sitting on my butt.  I actually enjoy sitting around doing nothing for once, it’s nice.”
 “Well I actually did something, well I didn’t do it, I found it,” like I said, Stephanie is always telling stories, “Ok, are you ready?  Here it goes; I was going on a walk today and I stopped by that abandoned house down the street that Cyndi used to live in.  I just stopped to look when I noticed something different, something different that stuck out about the house.   I’ve never seen it before and couldn’t tell what it was, but as I looked closely I saw that it was a tree house!   It wasn’t up high in the tree, it was just a few feet above ground.  It looked like more of a shed, but I’m sure it’s a tree house.  I knew that it definitely wasn’t there before, it was weird.  What do you guys think?”  

I think that it’s weird and creepy.  And if something is weird and creepy, you can leave me out of it.  It’s especially creepy because the person who lived in that house before hasn’t been heard of in years and there has never been a ‘for sale’ sign outside the house.  Let me just give a simple explanation of the woman who use to live in that house.  Her name was Cyndi; she looked very young for an adult in her mid-thirties.  She had a husband who, right before he was about to divorce her, died.  She never told anyone how he died either.  I guess she was too depressed to ever bring it up.  She started to stay inside more often and she stopped talking to people.  My mom knew her and talked to her a few times.  After a few months of being depressed, she told everyone she was moving.  No one saw her move any furniture out, just boxes.  Once she moved out, everyone forgot about her and moved on with their lives and now everyone calls her house ‘the abandoned house’.  No one has ever looked into buying the house because it is so old and destroyed on the outside.  I only know that whole story because mom told me about it one time.  It was a relief no one had said anything so far about going to the tree house.  I don’t really want to go to Cyndi’s old house after thinking about her whole story. 

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