Part Two-The Deceiver

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I stand in complete shock not knowing what to do or even say.  My best friend just got taken by a murderer!  I can’t even imagine where he could be right now.  Is he alive?  Is he dead?  Stephanie turns to me in tears. 

“He’s going to get killed if we don’t save him!  My dad is a police officer!  He can arrest and kill him!”

“Stephanie, wait!  You saw what happened when you threw my knife at him, it went right through him and hit the door!  He’s no human, he can’t be arrested or even killed!  It’s no use getting adults involved, they’ll just get killed!  If we want to save Zack, we’re going to have to save him ourselves.  It’s the only way.  We’re the only ones who know anything about that house, we went inside.”

For once, I was the one doing the thinking.  There’s no use trying to bring adults into this.  That’s not what the he’s looking for.  He’ll just kill any adult that comes in his way and there’s no sense in putting anymore lives at stake.  If we’re going to do this, me and Stephanie, then we’re doing this alone.  I’m not even going to tell my mom a word about what happened tonight.  She’ll never let me go back to that house if I tell her.  Stephanie’s dad will just try to kill him but end up getting killed.

“Derrick you are right, but what are we going to do about Zack’s parents?  They’re going to notice he’s gone in the morning.”

Ugh, Zack’s parents…I didn’t think of that one yet.

“We’re going to have to at least tell them, Derrick.”

“Maybe we don’t have to, his Mom leaves for work at three in the morning and doesn’t come home until one in the afternoon.”

I now realize that there’s only one solution to this problem. 

“Stephanie, if we’re going to get Zack out of there, we have to do it tonight.”

She swallows down a big gulp and looks me in the eyes, “Okay, Derrick.  But we need a plan and we need to make it quick so we can get Zack as soon as possible.  Now, my parents won’t even notice I’m gone until about ten in the morning because that’s usually how long I sleep in.  So if we can get Zack and get home by then, which we should be able to, then we’ll be good.”

Chapter 1

            Stephanie and I thought out our plan.  We couldn’t figure out an easier entrance other than the front door until Stephanie said she saw a little tiny basement window that looked like it was unlocked.  We definitely don’t want to enter through the backdoor where the whole blood scene happened.  Just thinking of it all makes me want to vomit.  We’re not going to walk to the window, of course.  We’re going to have to crawl so no one can see us.  Since we know the general look of the inside of the house, we know where to go.  We’re going to look around in the basement and if we don’t find anything there, we’ll go upstairs and look.  If we don’t find anything upstairs, we’re going to search the second floor.  It’s going to be super hard to avoiding the murderer finding us.  Or as me and Stephanie now call him, the deceiver.  We assume that since most of the screaming and yelling was coming from outside, he will most likely be out there.  And if not, we’re in for a heap amount of trouble.  We need to kill the deceiver somehow, so Stephanie and I are going to find his weakness.  After all, everyone has one.

            It’s around one in the morning and we’re sitting on the curb as we finish our plan. 

“Ok, Derrick.  Are you ready?”

I don’t know what she means by ready, but sure.

“I guess so.”

“Derrick…what if he’s dead?”

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