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I open my eyes, lying in my bed.  I have huge headache from being at the hospital all day yesterday.  My ears are still recovering from the explosion.  Yesterday, when I got home from the hospital Mom asked why I was out and I told her that we were all hanging out.  She thinks it all happened at 7am.  I hate lying to her but I have to.  I can never speak of what happened ever again.  On the way home we drove past what use to be Cyndi’s house.  Now it’s just a bunch of rubble.  Everything they ever owned, built, or set foot on was destroyed in the explosion. 

            I get up to walk downstairs when I notice something on my dresser that wasn’t there before.  It’s white and rectangle shaped.  As I get closer I notice it’s an envelope, which is weird because I have never seen it there until just now.  I pick it up and open it, inside is a folded piece of paper—folded just perfectly as if an angel folded it.  I open it up and glance at it.  The handwriting is perfect to scale.  I begin to read:


       I hope you are doing alright.  You and Stephanie did a very brave thing that will never be forgotten.  The house and everything has been destroyed, children can now live free in your neighborhood and world.  As for me, I am in a much better place now thanks to you.  As for John, he is not with me.  He ceases to exist anymore, he’s gone forever.  Thank you for all you have done, I will never forget you or your friends.

Your Angel from Above,



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