What the........????!!!

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Oh god this school is bigger than my old school it has more activities and club and one thing it has boy !!!!! And tht the only thing im scared of but what to do i have to face it !!!! Hu hu hu ha ha ha

Walking in to school hall way watching people standing by their locker chatting with they friend or girlfriend or boyfriend or watever the relationship is oh who cares !!! I wonder will i hav any friend in this school !!! Passing all those teenager i reached the office room 

Knocking the door for my entry i enter a room with a counter infront with some middle age man sitting behind it i walk to him

"umm.......e...ex....ex....excuse me im the new student here "

he look up and smile at me

"oh oh welcome to the northern international high school.what ur good name my dear ?"

"oh im luna brown ,sir"

he start to type my name in the keyboard and wait for the printer to print out my class schedule 

"here your class schedule enjoy your first day at this school and good luck "

"thank you sir"

i walk back to the school hall looking at my class schedule oh i have english first today and where the class by the way and it seem that no one is in the hall now i will just walk around searching for it as soon as possible 


"what the.................." someone said 

"oh im sorry im very sorry i didnt see you there im very sorry.....sorry "

i look up and see this tall kind-looking and handsome boy infront of me ouhhhh he is cute !!!!! 

he suddenly laugh "oh its ok its ok i didnt see you either "

i help him pick up his book and asked if he was ok. he so kind and cheerfull

"ummmm.......ummmm...ca...ca.can i ask you somethinggg "

"of course anything  "

"ummm.....aaaa... i..i..i have this class and i dont  where the class is and...and you seem to be the only one here so...." i said

wow he the first boy i talk to which is more than one sentence i think i have no choice but he so cute i think i like him 

snapping out of my thought i show him my paper he said in suprise

"oh that my first class too you can come with me "

"thank you" i said 

after  passing all the room where i can see more student near these place i guess the class didnt start yet 

he stop suddenly which make me hit him again 

"sorry sorry again "

he smile and say it ok and open the door for me to enter first 

"thank you" i said softly 

this class is filled with student already only two seat near the window is left that means....that means ....that means i have to sit with him oh goddd

i have problem again one he is a boy two he is cute very cute three he is a gentleman four i have to sit with him 

achhhh i think i like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the class end so fast but nothing happen he didnt talk to me after that and i made one new friend she is a nice sweet girl she have most of the class with me so we became friends within week 

i wish i can see him again 

(A/N: hiiii!!! hope you guys who read this book enjoy it cuz i am not such a great idea person but thank so plz vote and comment ur ideas ^^ thank you )


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