scholarship ???

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"congratulation miss luna brown you score 100 in all exam we have  suprise for you " said the principal through the mic in the conference hall

even though i just started this school for just last month but i learnt thing fast and yea that my result 

wait what did he said suprise ouhh im excited now !!!! 

i stood near the principle with my proud smile on but still shaking cuz im on the stage and evryone is looking at me and that mean that guy too he so cute i like him so much but after that day i never talk to him anymore he did not come to school like forever im searching for him everyday but never find him i think his name was keiichi ?? what a japanese name maybe he is japanese cuz he kinda look like one 

the principle sound made me out of my thought "are u exited luna ??"

"yes i am really excited !!"

"well i ll tell you now, you got a free scorlarship to japan for one year !!!!!


"but that so different from america ???" iasked the principle

"we know but we also know that a genuis like you will be just fine "

ok i might be great at studies but not in another country i have been to korea once cuz my mom work there before for like 4 years but then she move to the US so most of my life was in US cuz i was with my father while my sis is with my mom in korea even wen my mom came back to the us she is still there she says "korea is just so perfect i dont want to go anywhere "

and now she is in one university in korea even though i miss her alot but i cant go to korea now cuz im  going to JAPANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

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