Chapter One

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All around me I could smell a foul scent from the heater and children or teens alike screaming, laughing and fooling around which made my headache throb worse. I hated all the noise and the only way to block it out was if I had music. The keyword had. I was lucky enough to be the fourth stop from school. The bad thing was getting off the bus. People would push and complain, trying to be the first one off. I get off the bus, close to last and the autumn air, crisp and chilled drifted through my hoodie making me feel refreshed from all the foul and hot air from the bus. I hurried to the high school doors trying to avoid getting into a crowd. I walked in through the pale blue painted double doors. The paint was chipping and in faded, gold metallic letters it said Lucillia Meyers School. Just as it had when I moved here two years ago. I moved from my old school, Witherhood middle school, to here. As I entered, I was shoved and pushed as I came through doors and the hallways. It smelled like doughnuts, coffee, stale pizza, and teenagers body odors. I rushed to the library and went to my usual table. I grabbed my laptop from my bag and opened it. Just as I did in my freshman year. I have been at this table every morning since the first day of school in freshman year. I went straight to my history homework from last night. History is one of my favorites, but the teacher can be strict. I read through quickly making sure I took as many notes as possible. As I barely finished, a bag landed on the floor followed by a pull of a chair. A person sits and I looked up. "Hey Charlie," I mumble. "You could be a little bit happier to see me!" She smiled. Charlie is beautiful, in personality and looks. She's skinny, wears the popular clothes and has blonde hair with eyes that are a mixture of light and dark green colors. I'm not into her, but the jocks are all over her. Except she has rejected them all due to their stupid and perverted personalities (Of course after she dated them all.). She's apart of the popular bubble but is a little nerdy like me. That's how we get along. I first met her three days into my freshman year after I ran into her and her other popular friends. I had accidentally spilled her drink on her. We had a little argument which we broke after we made fun of the situation after I helped her clean up. Since then we have been best friends. "What am I supposed to be happy about?" I smirk as I look at her.

"You should be happy and you will be happy. It's too bad your name isn't Will." You might wonder what my name is and it's definitely not Will. It's Parker Lowell, but let's talk more about her, Charlie Lind. She is the girl, no the queen of hopeless romantic relationships. She has gone out with girls when we were younger, but those relationships went horrible quickly and she kinda stopped dating them after she hit the summer after sophomore year. Now she's obsessed with some popular guy. "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, Charlie."

"Oh my gosh! It's Spencer!" She whispered and screeched at the same time. Spencer Pierce... the hottest guy in school. Oh yeah, shit. That's who I meant.

To the gays and straights, behold! He's the typical popular guy, has dirty blonde hair with brown eyes, but when they caught the light they turn a bit yellow. His smile is the almighty charming effect. He is fit, abs and muscles. All that Shit, but not too much of that shit. Not as far as the muscles. He's also is pretty tall, couple inches taller than me. Actually probably like a foot, I'm kinda short. He acts sweet and charming but, I've heard he's secretly a dick. Sadly for all the gays, he's straight. Charlie's obsessed with him, as I said before. She has all the same classes and tends to hang out with him all the time during their classes. And finally, she pretty much blackmailed every girl who tries to hit on him. The only girl she can't break is his ex, Jess. Not even short for Jessica, just Jess. She has long straight black hair, red lips, almost black, brown eyes, and a killer body, not that I find her attractive because she's also a huge slut and bitch. She uses to be apart of Charlie's popular friend group until she went rogue and decided to ask Spencer out when she knew that Charlie liked him. Mempic Bitch.

Spencer smiles at Brooke, the head cheerleader, and her cheerleader squad. The group is like a cheer fan club of him. "Got to go commit the murder of social life." Charlie jokes as she directs her head towards Brooke. She gets up and walks over to Spencer and starts to act like she missed a piece of info on the homework and works on sliding him away from his fans. I go back to my laptop and go on Chat. It's a place to text with people online. I check my messages and there is one from my online friend, Cosmic. I don't know his real name but, his username is enough. I typed hey and waited for him to respond back, but before he did the bell rings and I decided to pack up. I rush down to History class.

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