Death is what I wish for the most.

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I sighed as I stared at the hospital's window. Children laughed freely with their parents and doctors bid them goodbye. How lucky.

Someone knocked on the door and a doctor came in. He smiled but there was sadness in his eyes. I knew what it meant. I had felt it these days.

"Natsume-kun, I'm sorry to say but you only have 1 year left to live. I'm very sorry."

He bowed deeply and I smiled at him. It wasn't his fault. They tried their best but this illness of mine isn't something common so I don't blame him. I talked with him for a while and he left after some time.

When the door closed and the footsteps disappeared, I buried my face into my hands and started to wept. Why is my life so miserable? Being diagnosed with an incurable illness as a child and then having to die as an eighteen year old. It wasn't fair. I sobbed and whimpered. There was nobody to comfort me. My parents were abroad for a business trip and my best friend was busy flirting with girls.

I wiped off my tears and stared blankly at the wall. Didn't mother said they plan to adopt a child? Did she do that because she knew her son won't make it? Did she even think about me? About how would I feel having a stranger replace me?

They don't care about me. I know that so much it hurts. Why can't I have a normal life? Is god playing with me? I gritted my teeth. If I were to meet god one day, I would make him suffer.

A month has passed and my parents were currently crying in my room. They apologized for not being able to save me. They should have taken better care of me and whatnot. I snorted quietly. What take care?! She only wanted herself and her money!

I eventually got tired of her voice amd shouted at her to shut up. She looked at me horrified.

"Stop pretending to care! I hate people who lies! You want to replace me with a disgusting orphan because I can't take care of the company! I hate you! You should have died! I hate all of you! I curse you damned people! I hope that child and any other you wilk take will die a painful death! I cursed them to suffer  eternal pain! Get lost!"

They both left and I was alone in this little room again. I take a deep breath and smiles. Aren't curses said while people are dying? I stood up and went outside.

I headed towards the rooftop. The walks was slow but I persisted. I stood on the edge of the building. Many shouts resounded but I paid no heed. Closing my eyes, I let my body fall.

If I ever get another chance at life. I will make sure to kill every single god. Innocent or not.

I saw a black hole before I fainted.

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