chapter 1

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Tai Lung POV

I'm at my apartment in Ba Sing Se what to do so I go out to the house of a friend of mine. On my way there I pass by a food stand and by some dumplings and I start eating one on the way. I finally arrive and enter like I live there

Tai : sup granny.

I say with a big smile on my face

Granny: you know you can knock right don't just enter to my house

Tai : oh sorry it's just that I have been here so often that I forget sometimes

Granny: it's ok Tai. What brings you here today

Tai : the usual granny I have nothing to do at home and I don't have any friends to hang out so I came here besides it's too early for me to sleep by the way can you make some tea?

Granny: no Problem but why?

Tai : I  brought dumplings. I know you love them with tea.

Granny: ......... Blackmailer.

I chuckled at her comment

I sat down waiting for granny to bring the tea

Tai : thanks granny

Granny: tai call me by my name

Tai : why? I like granny better

Granny: cause I'm not that old im only 55

Tai lung: only if you tell me if there are rumors around these parts

Granny: sorry kid no blackmail this time

Tai : fine........... Akira

Akira: that wasn't to hard right ?

Tai : it is for me it has been a while since i called you by your name 

Akira: I know, by the way I have been meaning to ask you what brings you here to Ba Sing Se ?

i stood still for a while then i got my thoughts together and said

Tai: lets just say that i wanted to get away from my father

she looked at me with a worried face

Akira: did he abused you?

Tai: no he did not he just....... acted like was never there, the only moments he acknowledge me was when i pissed him off which i did least once a week 

i said with a smirking face

Akira: do you have siblings? or family that cares for you

Tai: i do in fact one brother, one sister and my uncle 

Akira: what do they think?

Tai: well um....... my brother don't know i left the house cause he is on a journey with my uncle, my sister probably knew when she didn't saw me for practice and my uncle is the one that helped me escape the house.

i said nervously scratching the back of my head. she looks at me calmed ad question something i expected but not now

Akira: may i know the names of your siblings and uncle?

i was shocked when she said that i was hesitant to even think then i took a deep breath and said to her seriously

Tai: for both our sake its better for you not to know.

i took a sip of the tea

Akira: kid do you know how many secrets i have kept in my life it cant be that bad.

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