chapter 2

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3rd person POV

toph: Who are you and why you've been following us?

toph asks Tai with seriousness in her voice. Tai looks at her curious

Tai: you know i have been following you? since when?

toph: since we entered the alley but i wasn't sure 100% but when i sensed you around the corner i knew you were following us 

 Tai: i see. well to answer both of your questions my name is Tai Lung but you can just call me Tai and the reason i have been following you guys its because i was curious whats the avatar (points at avatar)doing in Ba Sing Se 

Katara: how do you know he is the avatar? 

Tai: Because none of you have those tattoos and because of the clothing you have 

water tribe boy: what do you mean by "clothes we have" he looks at Tai with a distrust look on his face

Tai: *groan* its a give away. you two are from the water tribes which one i dont know(points at water tribe boy and katara), she looks like an earthbender (points at toph), he is the avatar the tattoos are a give away, the only one that dont know where is from is him( points at jet) which from i saw katara hates him.

everyone looks at Tai how he deduced all that from just following them and got a bit on edge and Tai notice this 

Tai: can you guys relax a bit im not a bad guy

water tribe boy: can we trust you?

Tai: would you trust someone who just followed you and found out who you are?

Tai asks raising his eyebrows

water tribe boy: ......... good point

Aang: guys we dont have any leads if jet says he can take us to Appa we should at least check it out..... and we need all the help we can get im Aang btw im the avatar and an airbender like you guessed 

Tai: pleasure to meet you Aang. Its not everyday a person gets to meet the avatar

water tribe boy: im sokka but i still dont trust you

Tai: then how about this. how about while we search for appa which i dont know what it is, you guys can ask me stuff. please dont take it personal if i dont answer some question 

Katara: why wont you answer some questions?

Tai: lets just say i dont like talking about some stuff

Toph: stuffs like what?

Tai: ask and you will know..... maybe?

Katara: wait a minute if you come and help us wont your family be worried about you?

Tai: no they won't

Sokka: why is that?

Tai: because my parents don't know im here

Aang: wait you followed us without telling your parents?

Tai: no i mean they don't know im in Ba Sing Se

Jet: so you escaped?

Tai  looks at Jet still stuck in the walls by shards of ice

Tai: ok who  said you can join in the conversation........ to answer the question yes i escaped 

everyone went eye widened

Katara: so you're like Toph?

Tai: what do you mean by that?

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