Rose Weasley and the Freckled Shoulders

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Disclaimer- All rights to Queen Rowling, none but Rae to me.

Author’s Note- Thanks infinity to my first reviewers!! They are FickleFriend, whom I love :D, Sarapha, whom I also love :D. You guys are the best thing since YouTube and Nutella. LOVE-Casey




“I’ve gotta go.” I mumbled. He grabbed my arm. “I don’t think you understand, I really must dash.” Twisting out of his grip, I bolted out of the Great Hall and sped out to the halls, where a new rush of students were, well rushing to breakfast. I lost him in the crowd, then I ducked into a bathroom and leaned on the sink. I looked into the mirror, where my barrette had fallen to the end of my hair. I repined it back, trying to calculate the distance from here to the library. I looked at my flushed face in the mirror.


What is that…

In the reflection, to the right of my head, was…

A urinal.

I was in the boys’ bathroom.

The boys’ bathroom.

I heard the door start to swing open and I ducked under the sink (A.N. I may be incorrect, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming all the bathrooms in the school are like the bathroom in CoS, with that big monstrous sink that’s like a build in a circle so think of it like that). I crawled around the sink so that I was on the opposite side of whoever walked in, who I was guessing was Al. The door cracked open again and a set of guys stomped in.

“Hey Al, what’s up-”

“Do you guys see a girl in here?”


“Man, what are you-”

Al repeated himself, walking in a circle, pushing open stalls. The two boys followed him, and I crawled around the sink, facing the door. “I thought I saw a girl run in here! I’m almost sure of it!”

“Hey, that last stall is closed!” Their footsteps resounded whilst they hurried down and I sat up abruptly and hit my forehead on the marble sink.


Still, I set back on my hands and knees and crawled out instead. I got out of the door and sat up, shutting the door gently.


Oh, hey Rose buddy. I’m just hanging out with the guys, how about yourself?

“Oh, hey Rose..”

She pushed her hair back from her eyes. “Uh, you’ve got a really big red bump on your forehead, are you ok-”

I stood up, setting my hand on my forehead and turning toward the Transfiguration hallway. “I’ll explain some other time.”

No, I won’t. No one is ever knowing that tale.

“Do you want to go to the Transfiguration room and get a head start on today’s lesson plans?” I pushed her with my elbow away from that hall and to Professor McGonagell’s class.

“Yeah, sure. But could we just talk instead? I don’t want to think about Transfiguration more than I have to.”

Talk? About what? “Sounds good.”


We collapsed into two chairs in the front row. Twenty minutes ago. We’re still sitting here, awkwardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2012 ⏰

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