Prelude to the Mayhem Part 1

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Scientist 1: Okay, power plant energy generation test one. Is everything ready?

Worker 1: We’re good on our end.

Worker 2: All is ready and operational.

Scientist 2: Perfect, now we can begin the experiment.

Scientist 3: Powering up. (Machine goes online) Power is now building. (3 minutes pass)

Scientist 1: What are the energy readouts?

Scientist 2: We’re at 75% and rising. (Workers one and two notice something)

Worker 1: Hey! What’s that?

Worker 2: These readings! Something’s wrong. Shut it down quick!

Scientist 1: What!? We’ve come too far, we’re not stopping now.

Worker 2: Sir, you must stop it now or else the whole thing could blow!

Scientist 2: I think they’re right. These readings… these reading are… (Explosion) AHHH!!!

Scientist 1: Damn it!! We were so close. Hmm, what’s that? (A portal has opened in front of the machine) What is this phenomenon? There’s a whole world separate from our own inside there. Well, at least this wasn’t a complete waste. Too bad, I won’t be able to see more of this new world. Well, I guess this is the end. (As he closes his eyes for the final time, the reactor explodes wiping out almost everyone inside)

Narrator: (Female Voice) The incident that occurred at the Cestus Experimental power plant resulted in much more than the mere loss of human life. It resulted in the opening of a gateway to another dimension. In this dimension existed the world of Xeraos, a planet almost identical to Earth. The only differences are the size of Xeraos when compared to Earth, which was larger than Earth by about 1,000 kilometers, the species of animals and the intelligent life forms. The humanoid race, known as the Solonis, have the look of the average human, but have distinct physical characteristics that enable you to tell them apart. For instance, the Solonis are all born with a mark on their right cheek that resembles a bolt of lightning. The mark changes color depending on what that person is feeling, so if they were sad it would be blue and if they were angry it would be red. There is a glaring difference that stands out and that would be their tails. Their tails, like their marks, change color with their emotions. They come in many variations that all resemble the tails of the animals in the world of the humans. The tails are generally used by them in everyday life and possess a sizable amount of strength. Anyways moving on, the Solonis are a race that is technologically superior to human society in almost every way possible. They’ve learned to develop a fuel source that they can feed their machines, that don’t cause pollution (believe it or not). As a result, Xeraos’ atmosphere greatly resembles that of Earth’s before the advent of the Industrial Revolution. They possess superior defensive structures, meant to defend against attacks from foreign entities. In fact, Earth’s conjoined military expeditions failed horribly after a mere 30 seconds of being within range of the Solonis’ Positron Cannons. After the devastation, the people of Xeraos decided to contact the people of Earth to hold negotiations of peace. The nations of Earth gladly accepted the treaty on the conditions that they will not abuse the technology that will be given to them. Measures were taken to insure that it did not happen such as, restricting them to only technology that could be used to improve their economy, no access to any militaristic weapons/technology, and close observations conducted by the Solonis, whenever experiments or developments were made. Under these guidelines, Earth’s economy soared and the Solonis allowed the eventual integration of people from Earth into their society and vice versa. As a result of Solonis intervention, nearly all conflicts have been resolved and a long standing peace existed between the two races.

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