Prelude to the Mayhem Part 5

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Arelia: Yeah, well onto another topic. Don’t we still need to finish preparations for the festival?

Miyu: Already taken care of! I have Sliner taking care of things for me!

(Everyone goes silent and Miyu gets a bit nervous)

Miyu: Did I do something wrong?

Rayne: (Sarcasm) Oh, no! Everything’s fine!

Miyu: …

Arelia: (Grabs Miyu by the head and shakes her) You airhead! You never trust Sliner anything, because he always finds a way to screw things up!

Miyu: He seems like a nice enough person, so I’m sure he’ll do well.

Axel: You don’t seem to grasp our reasoning as for why we don’t give him important tasks.

Miyu: Give me one good reason, then.

B.Star: Okay, how about this? He once volunteered to be a human crash test dummy, and to make a long story short, he ended up failing as that.

Miyu: (Looks at B.Star in disbelief) And how do you fail at being a human crash test dummy?

B.Star: You fail when you turn the car and ram it through the walls of the A.I. Control room, and all the circuits temporarily go haywire.

Arelia: What genius thought it would be a great idea to put the A.I. Control Center on the same floor as the testing grounds?

B.Star: I asked that same question and I was told that it was a design flaw. They said it was either that or the power generators that kept the place running. Needless to say what they picked.

Miyu: How do you know so much about that incident anyways?

B.Star: Let’s just say that I was doing him a favor to repay a debt.

Arelia: What favor and what debt?

B.Star: It’s not important. Besides, Sliner is just a train wreck waiting to happen.

All, but Miyu: (Thinking to themselves) That could not be more true.

Flare: It’s better if we go check on him before he –

(Wrecking ball bursts through the walls of the theater)

Rayne: Too late.

(All sigh, then head outside where they find Sliner working a crane)

Sliner: Hey guys! What’s up!?

Axel: Nothing much, just chilling. Just noticed that we got a new skylight in the theater!

Sliner: Sorry about that! Just getting used to these controls! (Hits a button, the ball swings over and nearly hits Flare)

Flare: (Unphased) You had better abandon that vehicle before you hurt someone, or end up getting hurt. (Piercing look) You got that, Sliner?

Sliner: (Gulps) Yes sir. (Gets up and as he moves, he trips, falls, and accidentally pulls and breaks a lever. The wrecking ball starts swinging out of control)

Arelia: (Facepalm) How’d I know that something like this would happen.

B.Star: It was Sliner after all. This was to be expected, really.

Arelia: I know. I just sucks that it happened this soon.

(The wrecking ball swings towards Rayne)

Axel: Lookout! (Stumbles, then pushes her out of the way, gets hit, and is sent flying into a wall)

Everyone: Axel!!

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