Prelude to the Mayhem Part 3

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(10 Minutes Later)

(B.Star and Flare are now at Mr. Nakamo’s restaurant)

(Axel meets up with B.Star outside, while B.Star is sitting down and enjoying a relaxing cup of tea)

Axel: Hey B.Star!

B.Star: (Puts the cup down) ‘Sup Axel. Where have you been?

Axel: Huh, I was expecting you to be mad.

B.Star: Nah, it was better that you did run, so all of us wouldn’t be caught.

Axel: Okay then.

B.Star: So, what were you doing while we were captured?

Axel: I was just getting a Frappuccino at the café.

B.Star: Ahh, okay.

Axel: What’d I miss?

B.Star: Nothing much. Arelia convinced Miyu to let us go.

Axel: That’s odd.

B.Star: That’s the same thing I said.

Axel: Well, continue.

B.Star: Well, now we won’t be forced to help with the festival, but Miyu did seem angry at Flare.

Axel: Ouch.

B.Star: That’s to be expected though.

Axel: True and it’s also strange that Arelia would purposely let you guys go.

B.Star: I know, right? So out of character.

Axel: Yeah, it’s very strange.

B.Star: Indeed.

Axel: Anyways, where’s Flare?

B.Star: If I remember correctly, he’s inside drinking cocoa and eating a chocolate bar.

Axel: … He enjoys eating chocolate way too much.

B.Star: Surprisingly, it has no effect on him. You’d think he’d have a sugar rush by now.

Axel: Yeah, I’ve never seen him get hyper from it or from anything else for that matter.

B.Star: That’s just him. He’s never really gotten hyper off of anything.

Axel: That’s true. I just hope he doesn’t get sick, because of a choco overload.

B.Star: He consumes like a pound of chocolate a day and has been doing that ever since we’ve known him.

Axel: We’ve known each other since the age of five. Hard to believe it’s been ten years already.

B.Star: Feels more like twenty-five. (Laughs)

Axel: (Laughs)

B.Star: Listen to us, we sound like old men, reveling about our past.

Axel: (Stops laughing) Yeah, but we still have a long way to go.

B.Star: (Stops laughing) Hehehe, ain’t that the truth? Time flies when you’re having fun.

Axel: Yeah. … Let’s go check on Flare.

B.Star: Fine by me.

(They both walk inside and look around to see if they find Flare)

B.Star: You see him?

Axel: No.

B.Star: Where could he be?

Axel: No clue.

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