Chapter 1

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"I can’t believe that I am finally getting a chance to try this out!"

"Stay focused. If you get too excited, you might end up teleporting somewhere else. Stay with the group at all times."

Layla blushed a little. "I know I’m the newbie in the group, but you guys have to give me some credit. I was accepted onto this task force for a reason."

Keru laughed. "I'm sure you'll do just fine."

Aysie was typing furiously on her computer. "Still two hours till the portal opens," she said, not taking her eyes away from the screen. "Might as well calm down, Layla…"

"I know, I know! But this is a big opportunity for me! Visiting the original human world is something any Kawkanian would want!"   

Layla stretched her arms out with a big smile on her face. Keru couldn’t help but smile too; Layla's smile was contagious.

“I got us something to eat while we wait,” Tayj, the fourth member of their four-person team, said as he walked in with a bag in each hand. “I heard their food is garbage; might as well enjoy our last Kawkanian meal.”

“You make it sound like we aint coming back, big guy,” Layla said as she grabbed a burger from one of the bags. The warm meaty scent that filled her nostrils as she unfolded the paper covering the burger further stretched the smile on her face. “Ahhh. You always know where to get the best food in Zayan, don’t ya Tay-tay?”

Tayj laughed as he handed a burger each to Keru and Aysie before grabbing one for himself. Keru put his on the desk that Aysie’s computer was on.

“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Tayj asked, already knowing the answer he was going to get.

“I have already eaten a healthy meal back at headquarters. It will be more than enough for this mission. You three should take more care of your bodies. You are Zayani soldiers! All this fast food will get the better of you one day”. Keru seemed genuinely bothered by this as he eyed the three of them. Tayj was now stuffing his face with his second burger. Aysie’s eyes were still fixed on the screen as she absent-mindedly chewed at her burger. Layla was now picking her teeth and staring off into space. Keru had to admit to himself that she looked adorable even whilst doing that. He betrayed a small smile before Tayj interrupted his thoughts.

“You need to live a little, Captain. Nothing wrong with a couple burgers every now and then,” Tayj pointed out, his lips surrounded by crumbs. “And besides, my muscles aren’t complaining.” He then proceeded to flex his biceps, causing Layla to laugh out loud.

Keru looked annoyed. He thought of pointing out that muscle mass and health aren’t directly proportional, but he felt that he’d had that conversation one too many times with Tayj.

“Let’s go over the procedure,” Keru said clapping his hands together. “Aysie activates the portal in about…” he checked his watch, “two hours. Tayj keeps the portal powered as the three of us step in.” He pointed towards Layla, Aysie and himself. “I, of course, step in first, since I am the team leader. Layla will be second, followed by Aysie and then Tayj. Once we arrive, Aysie will start activating our return portal, with Tayj powering it up, as Layla and I search for our target.”

Layla, Aysie and Tayj had heard this like ten times today. Captain Keru was very thorough even with the simplest of missions.

“Are you sure you can handle the teleportation, Layla? I know it’s your first time, but if you get it right, you will almost surely get promoted.”

Layla stood up, smiling confidently. “Believe me Keru, I will not waste an opportunity like this.”

Keru smiled warmly at her. He admired her confidence, but he was a careful guy. “Just in case you get separated from the group, I want you to carry this.” He handed her a little mobile device that he produced from his pocket.

Cursed: ExpulsionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz