Chapter 6

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Tayj and the rest of the soldiers walked over to where Zak and Melanie were sitting. They didn’t say a word. Mel got to her feet, and Jake helped Zak up. The sand thinned quickly until there was solid stone under their feet.

“I think we should all go take a long nap,” Mel said weakly.

“What are you talking about?” Zak’s eyes were wide. “Let’s explore the castle! I really want to check out the armoury and the dungeons! Would be tons of fun, right Nibz?” Nibz howled happily in agreement. They both started walking cheerfully towards the perimeter wall.

The soldiers eyed each other awkwardly, like they weren’t sure if it was appropriate to be excited or happy.

“You know I don’t blame you guys,” Mel said to clear the air. “My only enemy is Kayzer. He is the one who made it all possible. Whether you agree with his methods or not is not my concern. He is in charge, so my anger is directed at him.”

They lightened up a bit.

“Here,” Tayj handed her what looked like a chocolate bar. “It’s an energy bar. You look a bit worn out.” He smiled at her warmly.

She grabbed the bar and smiled back. “Thanks, Tayj.”

“Let’s go!” He ran after Zak and Nibz. The rest of them followed. Mel lagged behind a bit.

Zak almost fell over as Tayj jumped next to him and put his big arm around Zak’s shoulder. “Zakky! That’s one ugly scar you got there, bro. It will ruin your chances with the ladies!”

Zak laughed and elbowed him. “You talking from experience?” He asked, looking at his scars.

“Low blow, man.”

“I think it looks really attractive, Zak,” Aysie said, flanking him from his other side.

“Thanks, Aysie.” Zak smiled at her. “See, Tayj. Aysie thinks it’s attractive.”

“That’s because she’s short. She sees it from a different angle.”


Zak laughed.

“You gotta pay up, Tayj! Zak won fair and square!” Alan said, walking next to them.

“You have the nerve to say that after Zak got that beating,” said Wes, patting Alan hard on the back.

“Yeah of course! He got sympathy points!”

“No such thing as sympathy points, Alan. Come on!” Tayj yelled. “PAY UP!”

Jake squeezed in between Tayj and Zak. “Sorry, Tayj. Sympathy points count.”

“Just admit it! Team Zak lost! Aysie, Wes and I won. So pay up!”

“Can I change to Team Zak?” Aysie asked timidly.

“If you’re willing to pay up, then sure,” Tayj replied.

Mel was watching them bicker as they walked. How does he do that? He’s laughing heartily with the rest of them even though he just suffered a terrible beating. I know deep down he is feeling scared and defeated, but he puts on a brave face so that people don’t worry about him. I really underestimated his character. She decided that she should stop moping herself and have fun with the gang. She would think about getting back at Kayzer in the morning. For now, she will explore the castle with her new friends.

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