Chapter 2

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Zak awoke with his face in the sand. He could feel the softness of it on his cheeks, and he could taste it in his mouth. His mind was still all over the place. Definitely conscious, but his body was too lethargic to get up. He slowly moved his arms into a press-up position and attempted to push himself up. It took him a few tries, but he did it in the end. He was on his knees, examining his surroundings.

He was on a beach of some sorts. It was dark, but the moonlight was bright enough that he could get a good idea of the area. To his left and right the beach seemed to extend endlessly. In front of him was a cluster of trees that could be the outskirts of a forest, he guessed. He got to his feet and looked behind him. The moon’s reflection on the water was beautiful, its light illuminating the incredible vastness of the sea.

Where was he? He felt a bit dizzy as he tried to remember what had happened. That was when he saw something he recognized, some ways down the beach.

“MY SOFA!” he shouted, running towards it. It was in exact shape as it was in the flat. Oh no! He remembered the portal, and everything in the living room getting sucked in. This can’t be good. Could I have been sucked in, too? He dropped himself onto the sofa and started to panic a bit. Where am I? Is this the world of magic and supernatural things? There is no way I can defend myself here. He remembered the girl that bumped into him in the park, and how she had effortlessly snapped a tree right in front of him. This is bad! This is bad! This is bad! A thin silhouette of a person appeared through the trees in front of him. It was getting closer and closer, larger and larger. So this is how I die. He closed his eyes, awaiting his inevitable doom at the hands of this magician or wizard or whatever they call themselves. He could feel the person’s presence directly in front of him, but he still refused to open his eyes.

“I can’t believe tha…”

“….PLEASE LET ME LIVE!!!” Zak shouted at the top of his lungs.

He heard the person let out a little gasp, before he realized that he recognized the voice. Opening his eyes, he saw that it was the girl who got him in this mess. Layda or Layla or something.

“ITS YOU!!!” he pointed at her, his voice not as masculine as he wanted it to sound.


Zak seemed to be hyperventilating. He got to his feet and started slapping himself.

Layla looked at him puzzlingly. “Wh..what are you doing?”

“I’m slapping myself.”

“I know. But why?”

“It might be a bad dream. Oh God please let this be a bad dream.”

Layla squinted her eyes at him. “Do you have sand in your mouth?”

Zak stopped hitting himself and looked at her. “So what if I do?”

Layla could see tears in his eyes. “Are you crying? Dude, get your act together.”

“I’m gonna die here,” he sobbed, dropping to his knees. Layla rolled her eyes impatiently. She didn’t know how to calm him down. He was such a whiny, dramatic brat.

“You know what? When you finish this little panic attack,” she was trying to deliver these words dramatically, but it was hard to do that when Zak was now grabbing sand with both hands and throwing it on himself, “I’ll be sitting down the bea..” Some of the sand he was throwing hit her face. “UGH JUST FORGET IT.”

Layla marched off down the beach to get away from the lunatic. Everything had gone terribly wrong. He shouldn’t have been teleported here. She had a very bad feeling about what will happen next.

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