florentino perez

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Do any of you like that man?

I sure as hell don't.

I mean, i'm not hating on perez, he's brought our club to great heights over the years, but he's so calculating! And the decisions he's made over the past few months have been beyond bad.

For example, a la liga insider has just said that zidane left us because he and perez disagreed on who should stay at madrid- bale or ronaldo. Ronaldo wanted to leave because of his friction with perez, and perez was letting him go, letting our best player go, but zidane asked him to keep ronaldo and let bale out instead. Now, no offence against bale, he's an incredible player, but ronaldo's the best. Period.

But did perez listen to that? No!

He let ronaldo leave, and so zidane left too, since he couldn't get perez to listen to him. Plus he wanted to make some other transfers which perez denied, so he left.

Then ronaldo chose to leave.

That's how our fall started.

I don't blame perez entirely for what happened, since ronaldo chose to leave on his own accord, and i feel extremely hurt because of that, but perez also let him go. He didn't stop him. And both those things suck. Big time.

Florentino Perez also caused the resignation of our coach carlo ancellotti before zidane came. Bale complained against ancellotti, who wasn't really compatible with bale i guess, and so perez let him go too.

I mean, i love bale, but he's not in form right now and he's getting injured often. Can he really ever be a replacement for ronaldo?

I don't think so.

Mr Perez, if only you hadn't made so many wrong decisions and let the most important people go, we'd be in a much better place right now.

We are an extremely strong team, full of the best, world class, most capable players. But there's something missing. And that's the best among them all. Cristiano Ronaldo was never the only thing keeping us going, it was never a one man show for us. But he was one of the main components. He was the real deal.

But he became the real deal we didn't want him to become.

(get the pun?)

So, to both ronaldo and perez, i just want to say, why? Why did you choose to leave, and why did you let him go? I understand your clash with each other, but ronaldo, hasn't the club given so much to you? I'm sure there are many more players who don't like perez but do you see them leaving? And perez, again you may not love him, but can't you keep him for the sake of the club? Can't you not willingly let him go?

It's been months, i know, but i'm still hung up over it. Cuz it's just not the same without him. Without zidane. We're suffering. But i know we have to move on without him, we can't stay stagnated like this. So we will move on. We will come back, and when we do, nothing and nobody will be able to stop us! We may not be in the best of forms right now, but we are the best nonetheless and we'll come back.

Porqué nadie resiste tus ganas de vencer.

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