Chapter 1

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(Hear is the new version of the book! I hope this is much Better)
(Reapers POV)

The night was cold, when I breathed out You could easily see my breath in the air (?) Until It floated away with the wind. I was crouched In the underbrush scoping out the castle. It is thought to be abandoned though the town speaks of it being haunted.

Pulling up my cloaks hood And Using fabric to cover The lower half of my face only reviling my eyes. I waited listening I had been Hear for at least two hours By now the sun had just recently set, My feet where numb from the cold but I had to scope it out first.

Swiftly bolting to some bushes near the castle doors, I couldn't even believe I had given in to the rumours or even why I'm sneaking but their could be thugs who are using this as a home for now.

I waited again feeling my soul beat A little bit faster then normal. The moonlight bathed the front door Making this a hard break in, I work a lot more better in the shadows.

"Screw it" I mumbled Standing up and opening the doors, the castle was in darkness though strangely clean. I was expecting half the ceiling coming down or Black mold but it was actually elegant, untouched.

I paused Before feeling a bit settled Being more in my element. Quickly and treading lightly I explored in search Of the Thing I came Hear for in the first place.

As much as I stepped lightly the floor still creaked though I doubt if anyone's hear they would hear since the first Floor seems to be vacant.

I kept walking until I saw something small move in the corner of my eye. I froze Pulling out a small blade. I shouldn't be so worried it's obviously just a rat maybe a Stray cat?

I forced my self to relax but kept the black dagger out it made me feel a bit safer. That's when I caught sight of Him.

A small Boy he was a Skelton he wore a white Cloak And had round eyes he seemed a bit startled, I looked at him frozen before I scolded my self "come on Reaper it's just a kid" "hey kiddo.. uh are you lost?" I said Finding my voice the kid just blinked
Before he smiled brightly.

"hi! I'm goth" he sprung to life bounding over to me making me step back. "Who are you? Are you like a new servant or something???" I paused "servant?" He nodded "no one else is awake yet since it's quite early, but you must be New I've never seen you before"

The poor kid must be delusional it's pretty often in kids who are orphans around Hear, so I'll play along for his sake , "Yeah sure kid, what ever you say" this made him smile Wider.

He abruptly grabbed my hand With incredible strength, "jeez kid Work out much??" He looked at me a bit confused before eagerly dragging me.

A bit wary I pulled him to a stop "Uh is anyone else with you?" His face twisted More with confusion "Uh yeah silly! My Mom And Mr dust and Mr Dream and-" "where are they?" I quickly cut him off Gripping the blade tighter.

"Sleeping silly" he giggled finding My wariness hilarious. Before I reminded my self he's a Kid it's probably his imaginary friends

I can't keep Entertaining him I came Hear for one thing only, though he might know where it is. "Hey ki-" I felt a whoosh of air behind me.

"oh mr dust!" I froze about to turn around when I was knocked on the ground. I wheezed Struggling to get up from how forcefully I was knocked over.

I saw A Skelton with Red and Blue eye, he sneered at me, and that's when I noticed he had fangs shocked my jaw hung open. I looked over at goth Squinting hard To see he had small fangs too.

"Mr dust what are you doing?! That's the new servant you ca-" it clicked it wasn't ghosts who live hear it's vampires, and I thought they all got killed.

I noticed the dust guy turned to address goth probably thinking I'm not a threat,seeing My chance I scrambled Up Slashing the dust guys shoulder Making him stumble back giving me enough room to start running.

Sprinting out the castle I ran for the trees hoping I didn't slip on the snow, I nearly made it until I was Knocked over hard Hitting My skull On a rock making me loose Consciousness.

(Genos POV)
"Mom! Mom wake up mr dust hurt some one and-" i turned around just throwing on my scarf. "Wait what?" I asked "come quick before he kills him" he ran over and Tugged me giving me no other choice but to follow him.

He lead me to the front door where I saw Dust Standing over a black Mound in the snow. "Stay Hear goth" I said Turning in to a bar and flying over to stand next to dust.

"What the hell is going on?" I said Before my gaze fell on the monster who Was Sprawled on the snow blood running from his head, I couldn't see his face Only his eyes which where shut, "he broke in she carried a Knife and could have possibly killed goth."

I looked back at dust "then why is goth so fond of him? He ran all the way to my room to drag me out Hear when You should have Dealt with the situation Not in front of goth" I eyed goth warily before looking back at dust angry.

"Would you have preferred for me to Let him runaway And tell the whole monster village That we are Hear?" He countered making me growl In frustration "now what?" Dust Said after a pause.

"We Take Him back To the castle tie him up and wait till he wakes up." Dust grimaced "what ever you say sir" Their was a edge of mockery in his tone but I ignored it rolling my eye and heading back to goth Who looked worried.

"Is the servant alright?" He was almost at the edge of tears, Confused I bent down to his level "servant?" He nodded "I asked him and He said he was," I looked to the ground before choosing my words wisely. "Did he hurt you?" He shook his head "he seemed a bit scared of me at first but He was nice" I sighed "that's it for now goth, Hey can you do me a favour?" Goth looked up "go find the maids until I Go get you okay?" He nodded "Mom, is he in trouble?" He asked his voice small barely audible. "I don't know goth, Now come inside Your gonna be chilled to the bone" he giggled But followed Amy directions.

When I turned back Both Dust and the stranger vanished Most likely Now in the Cells.

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