Chapter 5

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(Genos POV)

Death followed behind now as my official guard, I'll admit having him around sometimes makes my soul flutter, "Hey Geno?" I hummed in response breaking out of my train of thought, "so where was blue and dust going again?" "To crane, their going to go deal with that little problem"

I stated it like it was no big deal but it was, it was a huge deal! Vampire hunters in the area are nothing but trouble. Their was tons hundreds of years ago but soon died down once vampire kind became less aggressive and hid. Soon vampires became a tale of fables.

"Geno?" Looking back at him his hands where  shoved in pockets his posture was stiff and he refused to meet my eyes "it'll be okay" his eyes met mine briefly and I couldn't help but blush. "It will be" I agreed nodding more convincing my self then anything.

I felt Him still look at me he seemed like he was going to say something what? I didn't know. How ever it seemed like I'd never know cause goth came running and barreled in to me forcing me to break from looking at his empty eye sockets.

"Hiiiii" Smiling i wriggled out of his grip, "oh no not you" I joked making him giggle, "oh it's you" he turned seeing death standing their. The two looked at each other before he smiled "you totally love my mom" my face exploded in blush "Goth!! Why would you say that?!" Death only laughed though while goth looked confused "what??" "What is wrong with you child oh my goodness" by time I had calmed down death had just finished laughing.

He motioned for goth to come near making me confused. The two whispered back and fourth that even I couldn't hear but goth giggled before looking at me smugly and then running off with a silly grin on his face.

"What the hell did you tell him" he only shrugged grinning wickedly, "oh nothing~" huffing I could only shake  my head.

(Reapers POV)
Observing Geno as he wrote on papers he was quite interesting, he had little habits, and seemed to hate it when I would tap my foot. He was quite a good writer. As he seemingly wrote letters to the towns of vampires within the woods.

This seemed to repeat for a couple of days until a letter came from dust. Trying to read it over Genos should I couldn't see much but he gasped "stay here!" He got up in a hurry and left before I could even exhale out.

Looking at the letter it said that their was another hunter who had returned with friends and blue was missing.

Looking hesitantly at the door I shut it before taking a look around the office. My time was running out to find this thing, The longer I stayed the more i feared I wouldn't be able to leave. Right as I pulled out one of the drawers I heard a small "what are you doing?" Looking up I relaxed when it was only goth. "I thought I left somthing in here, perhaps Geno might have put it in the drawer"

Goth nodded "why are you here anyways kiddo?" He shrugged "they don't want me around when serious stuff happens, but what did you loose?" Oh sh** "umm it was a necklace?" He seemed to perk up "oh like my moms?" This was perfect, of course goth wouldn't know not to speak of it he was only a child after all. "yeah, but oh wait he has one?" Playing dumb I made a confused face "Yep keeps it on him at all times it's super important"

Bingo, looks like this just saved me a whole lot of time. "Oh it must be if he keeps it on all the time." Goth nodded unknowing of what he had just done.

After that we talked for a while, he asked me to read to him one of the books on Genos shelf, "please I can't read those books yet" sighing this wouldn't hurt "Fine but only this once kiddo" pulling out one he sat on the floor patting next to him.

Chuckling i took a seat opening the book as he eagerly waited for me to start.

As I read I decided to humour him and do little voices for each character which made him giggle, eventually I felt him lean on me. Stopping he seemed to have fallen asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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