Chapter 3

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( Reapers POV)
I grimaced tugging on the collar of my shirt I had never felt more out of place. Finding a escape route is difficult theirs guards always surrounding the perimeter of the house ever since I got here and worst of all I have that dumb guard dude following me 22 hours each day.

"Mr death" I Looked behind me to see non other the goth. He bounded over to me his eyes bright. "Geno would like to see you" he said a bit of shyness entering in to his voice.

I looked over at the guard guy who still hasn't told me his name so for now it's just guard guy, he wore a blank expression. "Alright where is it?" I asked he opened his mouth to speak but Guard Guy cut him off "I'll show you" I was surprised that was one of the few words he has uttered since when we first initially met.

"Run along now goth" he stated plainly before leading me down the hall, I sighed I've been here for about 3 days and the nights just seem to be muddled together.

We eventually stopped outside a door, the guard stopped and took a step towards the wall, "not coming in with me huh?" He ignored my remark "aw can't believe your letting me go in all by myself I really thought we had something~" I joked only earning a annoyed huff from the guy.

Chuckling I stepped in to the room, imidiently my laughter died when I saw dust, "oh wonderful it's you" I said sarcastically. Remaining by the door I refused to take a seat. "Can't believe you set goth up to this" I commented.

Dust only laughed bitterly, "I mean You wouldn't have come if I said it was me would you?" He noted, I clenched my jaw before raising my voice slightly, "well I'm definitely not gonna stay now that I know it's you." My hand  was half way to the door when I felt a hand clench around my wrist, "oh I don't think so, me and you need to have a little chat, or their will be consequences. Death"  to empathize his point he squeezed my wrist tighter but I didn't give him the benefit of him seeing me in pain.

"Fine." I snapped instantly he let go, "wonderful, now I'd like to ask you a few seconds so we can fill out your 'staff' paper. Grimacing I sat down folding my arms. "Now let's begin, what's Your full name" I opened my mouth to speak until I snapped it shut. Sighing I said "death, like I said. But I don't know my last name" dust snorted "everyone had a last name death you must have asked your p-" he stopped reading my expression.

Frowning briefly he shook his head, writing something down with a silver quill. "How old are you?" He asked "23" he smirked "technically you and Geno would be the same age if he was normal, he's 2300 years old"  I gave a confused look "then how olds goth?" "70 which in your years would be.... 7?" I gave a surprised look. He nodded, he wrote down more stuff, "what was your occupation?" He gave a knowing smirk that I would trip up, "I was a bad attendant, before I became a Explorer" I said swiftly since I know he was waiting for a second of hesitation to catch me in my lie.

He gave a small growl,  before rapid fire asking me questions, I answered them all quickly. Finally he said "ugh I guess Your good, for now" he said the last part giving me a cold stare. "Great, as much as I Looove spending time with you, I really should get going" I said in the most sarcastic voice I could muster before giving a smirk and leaving.

While i stepped out the guard gave me a weird look before glancing in the room, he then turned back to me, "you shall attend your duty's" he tried to give me a light push per usual but feeling like I had the upper hand for once I dodged making the guard have the first ever surprise expression on his face. "I don't think so~" I said tauntingly before leading the way making sure to remember every inch of this damn place so I can find what I want and leave.

(Genos POV)

I had dinner later that night, other vampires from the different courts around the areas attended, of course Dream and Dust and Blue where with me But goth had to be kept away.

I didn't want them to eye him the way they do me, each one eager for me to slip up so they can race in and steal my place, each hoping for me to show weakness so they can have a excuse.

I poked at my dinner to disinterested for small talk, I had almost not noticed Death approach. He held his hand out, a Small slip of paper was On it. I looked up to meet his gaze and I was met with a bored look from him.

I grabbed it with out a word and examined it reading Goths small Scratchy writing. I smiled when he couldn't attend dinner with me we would go back and fourth with messages. I motion the skeleton to draw near and I said quietly a message to bring back to goth.

Death with out a word left, I turned my attention back to the guests, "so. Has any of the monsters gave you any trouble?" Asked one of them his fangs Sharp as his smile was anything but friendly.

I cleared my throat, "none at all" he tilted his head "then who's he, I haven't seen him amoung your staff before" it took me a second to realize who he was talking of. Death stood By having already returned from dropping my note off, he wore a stoic expression disinterested in the Conversation that is being said.

It wouldn't have mattered anyways I'm sure these men don't care to talk to a Meer Monster. "He's knew, applied for our job willingly, I heard a small scoff come from the Taller Skelton. Ignoring it I plastered on a smile to reassure my House guests.

They still seemed suspicious but shrugged it off, their was a Long silence before Blue Continued to speak of a new topic making me silently thank him.

Later that evening after saying by to those treacherous guests I was relived to spend Time on my own that was until I felt someone's presence near by. I turned around quickly seeing death alone. "Escape Your guard already?" He smirked giving a mischievous look I rolled my eye "I honestly thought it would take longer"

He shrugged drawing near "so what, why are you still here? I would have though you bolted out the doors by now" he took another step forward making me jump back. "Are you really that scared of me?" I blinked at him confused He nodded at my hand which was On the hilt of my small pocket knife at the ready.

I hadn't realized I did that. I suppose it was a reflex, "I mean Can ya blame me, monsters killed my parents and my brother" his expression turned unreadable. "You never answered my question though." He hummed in response "ah yes, well I actually don't have a answer to that, maybe Their was some truth in your words To those men, maybe Ill actually willing apply to work for you?"

I scoffed "you must be joking, why would You want to work here in your own will?" He flashed a smile at me, "I dunno, maybe You convinced me~" the way he said that sentence made my soul Do a summersault ignoring it I shot him a glare. "Fine but I hope you know Your guard will not be leaving you" he chuckled "I thought he wouldn't but hey I'm starting to Get used to the guy, we've formed quite the bond" I let out a short laugh "oh I'm sure, you better not be harassing him"

He grinned again at me, "oh I wouldn't dream of it" I tried to fight the growing smile on my face I bit my lip (??) to get rid of it and looked at the ground folding my arms. "your a weird one,monster"  he laughed "so Are you vampire" he countered giving another mischievous look.

I shook my head my smile faltered slightly "alright well the dawn is almost here so I better go" he nodded giving a Quick look down the hall. "Do you know his name?" He asked I rolled my eye light "Lucas" his smirk widened "thanks" he then vanished down the hall.

"What a strange Skelton" I murmured to my self.

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