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Chapter 2

The supper Tobias makes for my homecoming is absolutely perfect, and the company is even better. There's nothing quite like a home-cooked meal with the people I love most in this world. I don't even mind the huge mess the kids leave under our large farmhouse table, although I do momentarily wonder if Tessa or Teagan either one got any in their mouths with the amount of food that's in their booster seats. I don't remember Tyler ever being this messy. While I clean up the kitchen, Tobias takes the kids into the living room and plays with them until I finish then we all cuddle together on the couch with popcorn and lemonade to watch the movie Tyler picked out, Despicable Me. I have to say it's a big hit with everyone. I just love hearing my children's delighted laughter fill the room. It's definitely the highlight of my day so far.

"Time for bed," Tobias announces as the final credits end.

"Ah, do we have to?" Tyler pouts.

"'Tay up!" Tessa says, her little hands folded under her chin, begging.

"Peas!" Teagan pleads, finishing her sisters thought. This is the time of the night that all three of them want the exact same thing ... to not go to bed. It's hard telling them no when they each look up at me with big puppy dog eyes but I'm getting better at it every day.

"Nope," I say. "Come on. Let's go upstairs." I pick up Tessa, and Tobias gets Teagan then we slowly follow Tyler as he trudges up the stairs. "Get ready for bed, buddy. Daddy and I will be in to tuck you in once we get your sisters in bed."

"Okay," he mumbles then turns and mopes down the hallway to his room. I shake my head and roll my eyes at his back.

"Come on, girls," Tobias says.

"I not seepy," Tessa whines, her head resting on my shoulder. She picks up a strand of my hair and plays with it while I carry her into the nursery. Tobias and I have talked about putting her in her own room in a toddler bed but I'm not in any hurry for her to grow up, and as long as she's content in her crib, I'm fine with it. I change her into a fresh training diaper and clean princess pajamas while Tobias rocks Teagan. When I finish, I sit in the vacant rocker, and Tobias gets Teagan ready for bed. After a couple minutes, I recognize the steady rise and fall of Tessa's chest and know that she's asleep. So much for not being sleepy. Tobias and I each kiss her head before I put her down for the night.

"I'm going to check on Tyler," I say as I kiss Teagan's head.

"I'll join you in a moment," Tobias says as he manages to get her into her PJs without waking her.

"Okay." I walk down the hallway and into Tyler's room. He's lying in the middle of his bed frowning at the ceiling, but he smiles when he sees me.

"Where's Daddy?" he asks, looking over my shoulder. Tobias has been putting a lot of extra hours in lately getting everything ready for initiation and overseeing the restoration of a neighboring building for aging Dauntless members, and Tyler is noticing his absences more and more.

"He's right behind me," I say as I sit on the edge of his bed. "I'm glad you had a good time with him this morning."

"I did," he says, his tired eyes lighting up. "I like going to the training room with him."

"I like that, too," Tobias says as he walks into the room. "We'll go again soon."

"Promise?" he asks, looking up at his father with hopeful pleading on his face.

"I promise, buddy," he says. "We'll go one night after supper just you and me and let Mommy and your sisters have a girl's night."

"Okay," he says with a sleepy smile and then he yawns widely.

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