At that moment she knew

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You open your eyes and the next thing you know it's 10am and you can hear you ear-piercing alarm beside you , you turn it off and sit up , you smile as you remember the conversation from the night before , Cameron wanted to see you again. You look beside you and Lainie is nowhere to be seen , you hear giggling downstairs so you get up and walk down , you are greeted by your black and white staff puppy , harry , he was your bestfriend , you mum got him for Christmas but he loved you the most , you laughed
"Something smells good" you walk into the kitchen to see Lainie cooking pancakes
"Yeah , I decided you always make me food so it's my turn to cook for you , I went out and got syrup and Nutella for them"
"With whose credit card ?" Your mum questioned her , uh oh .
"Mum, I used yours of course" Lainie replied , she was basically part of the family due to the fact she was at yours most days .
Your mum laughed and served up the pancakes , you and Lainie ate and got ready for the day ahead , you wore your white vest top and your high waisted skinny jeans with an oversized grey hoodie . You wore natural makeup and your hoops , you both walked out pretty confident and talking about how you have been feeling recently about Cameron
"So how are you and Cameron" Lainie questioned you with a smirk , she knew how you felt but she still asked you about it
"Yeah he's a nice guy and he is shockingly fit , but he's in year 11 he won't go out with a year 9"
"So you like him ?!" Lainie shrieked with excitement
"Yeah, I guess i do" you smiled but continued walking

On cloud nine जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें