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they were on the phone for what seemed to be seconds to soonyoung, it had actually been an hour, he really couldn't believe how cool jihoon was, it was like he was a mysterious guy with lots of secrets, or maybe it was just that soonyoung hadn't socialized with anyone since he started working, whatever it was, it was amazing in his eyes

to be honest soonyoung wanted to see him again, while they were on the phone they only talked about things they liked, music, food, tv, nothing really important or personal

he decided to go out for a walk and clear out his mind, it was a pretty day, since it was dawn, the weather was really nice, couples were walking happily and loners were walking their dogs, it sure was pretty, he looked up to the sky and observed how this dawn was different

a little bit of pink with the orange sun, birds were enjoying the pretty sky too, it was quiet and nice, as he was lost in his own world thinking about how pretty that moment was, he bumped into someone wearing an orange peach sweater and a mask, he noticed this person was in a hurry since they were walking away quickly, soonyoung was a bit athletic so he didn't fall down but the stranger did, when he kneeled down to help, the person had already stood up and walked away in a fast pace

"that was weird" he thought

he continued walking as he was thinking of how he was going to stop living on friday, no more walking in the street, no more dancing, no more eating, no more living, was he actually getting scared?

no, that couldn't be, he didn't care about himself nor if he died, why couldn't he stop thinking about friday? he was kwon soonyoung, broke, miserable, lonely, not someone who was scared of dying

but everytime he even imagined of closing his eyes and never opening them again, it made him feel weird in a way, not really scared though, just weird

he shook his living thoughts away and continued admiring all those pretty colors, people that saw him probably thought he was high, after walking around through the streets he decided to finally go home, it was getting dark after all


home sweet home, the smell of himself received him as he stepped inside, while he was taking off his shoes he heard a snore

then again

"who's there?" it nearly came out as a whisper of fright, it was dark so he turned on the light, he slowly walked tiny steps into his room where the snoring was coming from, he quickly took a peek inside and there was someone beneath his sheets "what the hell?" he whispered

he took a peek again and no one was there anymore

nearly freezing in fright, he stepped inside and turned on the lights and then


jihoon had startled soonyoung so much, that the older was curled up in a ball on the floor "i'm so sorry soonyoung, i wanted to see you and i thought you would be home, but while waiting for you, i fell asleep, i can leave if you want" he said quickly

soonyoung who was still recovering from what had just happened a few seconds before just smiled "ji, it's okay, you just scared me, how'd you get in?"

jihoon got nervous "i- well you left your door open" he said and then proceeded to laugh nervously

soonyoung just nodded "are you hungry?" he asked

the younger nodded and followed soonyoung like a puppy towards the kitchen, since he hadn't gotten paid yet, the only thing he had was ramen, he gulped and asked if ramen was okay, thankfully jihoon had said yes because he didn't have anymore food left

when he was done cooking, he poured the ramen in two plates and left them on the table, he called jihoon who was sitting patiently on the couch and decided to start a conversation, he was so thankful that the other had decided to show up at his house, it was kinda weird, but an amazing surprise for him

"ji, what do you do for a living?"

jihoon, who was silently eating his ramen suddenly chocked and soonyoung ran quickly to help him, he grabbed a cup of water and gave it to him, when jihoon recovered, the older suddenly remembered, "didn't you tell me you produced songs for small companies?" he asked

jihoon went almost pale and quickly replied "yes yes, i do produce songs for small companies" he said with a nervous laughter at the end

soonyoung ignored the fact that jihoon was being weird and continued eating, the younger noticed and asked the first thing that came to his mind "hey soonyoung, have you ever had a girlfriend?"

soonyoung froze and stared deeply into jihoon's eyes, then he started talking as calmly as posible "i haven't, but i've been thinking that i may be aromantic because i really haven't liked anyone yet, it's weird"

jihoon mouthed a small "o" and started reflecting on the words soonyoung had just said, meanwhile the other was staring at jihoon's confused face, cute

they finished eating, and stood up to wash their dishes, once they were done, jihoon told soonyoung he had to leave since it was getting late

the older didn't know how he got the courage to say it, maybe it was his excitement of having a new friend, but what came out of his mouth was

"can we sleepover at yours?"

as always thank you for reading!

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