🖤{chapter 1}🖤

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All these years, I thought that what my family stood for was true. I thought that heroes were just frauds who did it for money and fame, not to help people. While yes, they saved countless lives, did they truly care about a victim's wellbeing? The question had a simple answer that my parents submerged into my brain day after day: no, they don't.

My parents believed that heroes were what was wrong with the world. Not the villains. We were trying to right the wrongs heroes had inflicted upon the world. My parents had always told me that fear and anger were the traits that were needed most. Fear contributing to bravery. Anger contributing to power. Which is why my family and the other loved ones we surrounded ourselves with all despised the same hero.

All Might.

He always went into battle with a smile, as if to say he feared nothing. He had no anger that drove his power. He was the prime example of where heroes lay in society. Fearless and cocky. Spoiled and high priority.







Behind all that smugness and pride is just the remnants of a man broken by his past, fighting for something he doesn't know he wants or even understands! He stands there, the "symbol of peace" judging others, imprisoning the renegades, fighting the ones who stand for the REAL peace. He is no hero. He is no better than the villains.

I have a secret belief that not even my parents are aware of.

The world would be better off without quirks.


The reason behind all the fighting. The reason I'm judged for something I can't control. The reason I'm feared. The reason my family has been outcasted. The reason we're at war with each other.

But all I can do now is use my gift to right All Might's wrongs. I'm not doing for me, I'm doing it for peace.

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