🖤{chapter 3}🖤

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I walked into the house, immediately being greeted by "Hi Kiri!" I turn and see my friend Midoryia. I smile at him. We've been friends for years. He and his mom joined the league after Midoryia's dad up and left them with nothing. No house, no money, no food, no anything. My mom had met Midoryia's mom in the street and brought them to the league. Midoryia and I are the same age and basically grew up together.

"Hey Midoryia." I greet him.

"I was wondering if you would wanna hang out with Uraraka, Kaminari, Todoroki and I? We were planning on going to that old abandoned amusement park behind the old high school." Midoryia asked me.

I love going to that amusement park. I mean, there's nothing left of it, but that's what makes it special to my friends and I. It's so old and run down, nobody would think to go there, making it the perfect place for a group of wanted teens to hang out.

"Yeah! I'll come." I say, excitement filling my voice.

I then remembered what I needed to tell him.

"Um Midoryia?" I ask

He looks at me and responds,"what is it Kiri?"

"Do you remember Bakugo Katsuki? That kid we used to play with?" I asked.

"Kacchan? Yeah I remember him."

"I saw him earlier..." I mentioned.

"Really?! Did you say anything to him?!" He asked/yelled.

"No. I just watched him. He was chasing this kid with black hair." I responded.

"Black hair..."

"Midoryia? What are you doing?" I asked.

"You mentioned a kid with black hair. What else did he look like?"

"Well, he had these big circle things on his elbows. And he was pretty tall. Why?"

"That's Hanta Sero! He's Kaminari's crush."

"Kaminari's crush? I didn't know he liked someone."

"Oh he's had a crush on Sero for a year. I'm just surprised your just now figuring it out."

I gulped.

"Guess he just never talked about it around me. I wonder why?"

Midoryia shrugged. I went to the living room and and sat down on the couch. Midoryia sat next to me. Since we were on the topic of love, I decided to ask Midoryia about his relationship.

"So how are you and Todoroki doing?"

"Todoroki-kun? Oh, we're fine. We've been running around pranking cops and stuff like that. He's super funny when he wants to be. And his smile is adorable." Midoryia continued gushing over his boyfriend.

Being the person I am, I listened to all of it. I never got annoyed though. I like hearing my friends talk about things, means I don't have to. But the tables were soon turned when Midoryia asked,

"Do you like anyone Kiri?"


"Oh, um, I don't know. Kinda. But it's been awhile and he probably doesn't remember me enough to care." I responded.

Midoryia's face fell into a sad frown.

"I'm sorry Kirishima. But whoever he is, he's missing out on the best boyfriend in the world."

I smiled. Midoryia always says stuff like that to us. For a villain, he really is sweet. Todoroki is lucky to have this deadly cinnamon roll as his boyfriend. You have no idea how much the rest of us ship them.

"So when are we meeting the others at the old amusement park?" I asked.

Midoryia glances at the clock on the wall behind us.

"We've got about 2 hours."

"Wanna watch tv?" I asked.

"Sure." He says excitedly.

I flip on the tv and start to scroll through channels as Midoryia flops back down on the couch. We both settle on a cheesy romance movie. We lazily watch the movie and make jokes about it. We laugh the whole time. We may be villains, but we're also teenagers.

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