🖤{chapter 2}🖤

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This whole story is in Kirishima's point of view.
I leaned against the building wall, hidden in the darkness of the alleyway. It was quiet. Just how I liked it. I wore a black hoodie and black jeans. The hoodie covered my black hair. I always kept my hair down and in my face. Even though, secretly, I wanted to dye my hair red and put it up. I don't know what it was, just the thought of it made me feel happy and wanting to try it.

But alas, I don't think my parents would be happy with it. Their not the people to ASK for opinions, more like, tell you what to think. I mean, don't get me wrong, their great parents, but I kinda wanna be able to do what I want. I am about to turn 17. Though that doesn't matter to them. They always say "until you move out, you live under our roof with our rules." Whatever.

I hear my phone go off. I look down to see a text from my mom.

M: Your friend is over. Come hang out with him and stop being an angsty teen.

I rolled my eyes. I stand up straight and walk down the alley. As I'm walking, I hear a loud noise. I turn my attention to the source of the sound. I see a blonde boy chasing another person down the street. Wait! I know who that is. That's Bakugo Katsuki!

I had "met" Bakugo when I was little. My mom had found a way to take me to the park without getting noticed, what being a wanted criminal and all. She told me to play by the trees so if anything happened, I would be able to get away quickly. While I was playing, a blonde boy had walked up to me. He asked me if he could play with me too. I told him yes and he sat down with me. We played for awhile until my mom told me we had to go. I told him bye and told him my name
"My names Kirishima, Eijiro."
"I'm Bakugo, Katsuki. Will we see each other again?"
"Bye bye!"
We had played just a few more times until it got too dangerous for my mom to take me to the park. We never hung out again, but I would sometimes watch him from afar. I really wanted to see him again and be his friend. Maybe I can talk to him later? No. He won't remember me. But I could always reintroduce myself. Yeah.

I started walking back to my home. The league of villains. I call it home. I start thinking about Bakugo. My face turns red.

I need to talk to Midoryia...

I Choose Neither (Bnha Villain au bakushima)Where stories live. Discover now