🖤{chapter 4}🖤

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A little while later, it was time to head over to the old park. Mydoria and I had begun to walk over. In the distance, we saw the old run down entrance with the big sign that read "welcome to koko's carnival" with a picture of a clown. Mydoria and I looked at each other and smiled. We ran for the entrance, in an unannounced race. We made our way through the entrance into the main area of the park

We both stopped to catch our breaths. I looked around and spotted our other friends standing by the old ticket booth.

Todoroki was sitting in the booth with his feet kicked up on the counter, playing with his weird ass card deck. I don't know, he's had those things since I'd met him. Dabi had come back from a mission 3 years ago and had apparently made an unannounced stop at his old home and brought back his 13 year old brother. Todoroki was quiet at first and would barely talk to anyone. The only thing he had with him was a scar that covered half his face and a card deck. Mydoria told me that Todoroki eventually started talking to him when he asked Todoroki if they could play a game of cards when they were 14. 2 years went by and now their dating and it's adorable.

I looked over from Todoroki to Uraraka and Kaminari, who were talking in front of the booth. Now Uraraka and Kaminari had been childhood friends and known each other longer than they had know the rest of us. According to them, they both came from really poor households. They both wanted to be heroes when they were little, but so did every other kid on the block. Kids made fun of Uraraka because they thought her quirk was too silly and not cool enough. And they also thought Kaminari's quirk was way too dangerous and most avoided him out of fear. At one point, they both snapped and ran away to the league. They got here when they were both only 11. It's pretty young to get thrown into a life on the run but I can't really say anything, I was born into the league.

And that was our little gang. And to us, it was all we needed. Just each other and a world to explore. Yeah, my parents and Mydoria's mom were pretty protective of the gang and saw everyone in it as their own kids, we still had fun as jr. outlaws. We would rob small gas stations and convenient stores, tick off a few police men here and there, pull pranks on students a few towns over, and maybe hoot and holler at night just to annoy the ever loving shit out of the locals. We're just trying to have a little fun.

Anyway, I'm done rambling, back to the story. So Mydoria and I walk over the the rest of the gang. Uraraka sees us out of the corner of her eyes and perks up.

"Hey Izuku! Hey Ejiro!" She waves.

Mydoria waves back and runs over. I walk over and stand next to Kami.

"Sup Kiri?" The blonde smiles.

I smile back at him. "Not a lot."

Todoroki walks out of the booth and quickly pecks Mydoria's cheek, making the small green haired boy flush red. Uraraka, Kaminari, and I just look at them and smile at the couple. We all stand in a circle and start talking about whatever comes to mind first.

"Hey Kiri," Kaminari starts. "Before you guys got here, Uraraka suggested we all sneak out tonight and go see the city lights. I think we should because I wanna see the UA high school at night since they just built those dorms. But Todoroki doesn't think it's a good idea. What do you think?"

I thought about it for a second. We had snuck out before on multiple occasions. Majority of the time we always made it back before either my parents, Inko, or even Dabi woke up, but other times we weren't so lucky and we all got a nice morning scolding. But then again, none of them put locks on our windows so it's kinda on them. But the city was kinda further then we'd usually go and we might not make it back before morning. But, ya never know until you try, right?

"It sounds like fun. I think we should. What's the worse that could happen?"

"My brother locks me in my room for a week and melts of my door handle." Todoroki deadpans.

"Babe, he wouldn't do that." Mydoria responds. "If anything, we should be more scared of my mom than anyone else."

We all nod at that except for Todoroki.

"Well, I've never pissed Touya off that much. What if he ends up-"


We all stop and look at the small boy in fear and respect, including his half and half boyfriend.

Mydoria sighs. "Look, I know you had it rough with your family in the past, but Dabi would never repeat your dad. If he cares enough to get you away from your dad and a possible future of forced heroism for money and fame, he cares enough not to beat you to a pulp for being a teenage dumbass."

Todoroki nods.

"Ok, I'm in"

The rest of us cheer.

"But," Todoroki continues, "If we get in trouble this time, I'm not going out with you guys ever again."

"Lier" Uraraka snickers.

"Yeah, we're fucking delights to hang around" Kaminari says cheerfully.

Todoroki rolls his eyes. "True..."

We all laugh.

"So what should we do now?" Mydoria asks

I look at my watch.

"It's 3pm right now. Maybe we could hot wire a couple of rides and then go get ready for tonight?" I responded.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Last one the carousel has to do laundry for a month!" Uraraka shouts as she starts running for the park. The rest of us look at each other and start laughing as we run behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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