She never knew

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She always said "how could someone love a broken human like me"
She always said "nobody really likes me"
She always said "I'm eternally single"
She always said "no guy could have a crush on me"
But what she didn't know is that she wasn't broken, she was just cracked
She was loved more than anybody
She didn't know how many guys had liked her and just not had the courage to tell her
She always said "I'm not beautiful" and " I am to fat" or
"My hair is a mess" she always said that " my clothes aren't fashionable" and that
"I could never look 'pretty'"
What she didn't know was she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen
She didn't know how much I loved her big hips
She didn't know how hair complimented her
She didn't know that she didn't need fashionable clothes because she had her own styles that was amazing
She all in all was

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