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The monster that's in both you and me
It's wild and aggressive
It likes to lash out hurt people
The monster that you let control you
But I won't let it control me
Will I?
I can feel it churn in me
It wants to hurt people
And sometimes I let it
Sometimes it lashes out through me
It scares me
It scares me because I know what it does to people
I know how it hurts
You let it take over your life
You let it hurt people
You hurt people
You hurt people I love
You hurt the people who used to love you
But now they don't
Now they're scared
They're scared because they know it's only a matter of time
It's only a matter of time before you do it again
Before you hurt them again
I don't want to be like that
I don't want to hurt the people I love
But I can already see it happening
I already hurt people
I don't mean to but I do
And it scares me
It scares me to death
I'm letting the monster control me

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