Chapter 1

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In the early afternoon, under a grey sky.....Eve and her brother, and Mae were on their way to an art gallery...

"Did you remeber everything, Eve?" Keith asked.

"Oh! Do you have your handkercheif? You know the one you got for your birthday?" Mae asked.

I just nodded to both of them, knowing they'l always treat me this way. Ever since our parents died when I was 9, They've been trying to be more of parent each day. "Keep it safe in your pocket, okay? Don't lose it!" Mae lectured. I nodded again, not really looking forward to anything. It was their idea to go to this museum and I had to go along because "I'm to young to stay home alone" *sigh* I sometimes hate how they treat me like a kid.

Entering the art gallery, Mae turns to me and says,"Well we're here...This is your first time at an art gallery, right, Ib. We're here today to see an exhibition of works by an artist Guertena... And they don't just have paintings, but also sculptures...and all kinds of other creations!" She smiled a motherly smile at me.

Keith turned to me as well. "Should we get to the reception desk?" he asked Mae. 

"Ah, yes. Let's get some pamphlets as well." she replied facing him. We all walked to the reception desk and they started talking to the guy behind it. I faced Mae, my eyes pleading to look around. "Hm?You want to go on ahead? Really, Eve...Oh alright. Just make sure you're quiet in the gallery, okay? Don't make any ruckus!" she replied in a stern voice. "Not that there's any need to worry about you, I suppose...Don't cause the other visitors any trouble, now!" I nodded and made my way down the hallway.

There was this big thing on the ground, probably one of the sculptures Mae was talking about. Walking down another hallway, there was a sculpture of a rose losing its petals, but was still standing. Next to that was a painting called "The Coughing Man". Going to the right there were a few more paintings, "Selfless Gaurd" and a lady was blockking the other one. There was another halllway going up that had "??? of ??? and stars"  along the walls. Notsure what some of the words meant, I walked away from it.  

Not bothering to look at those paintings, I went left back into where "??? of the sea" was. Seeing Keith and Mae, I went up to them. "Eve, if you have to use the toilet you can just go, okay?" she told me, once again treting me like a child. Sighing I walked away and went up the stairs from the bigining. One sculpture caught my eye, "Death of the Individual"? Hmm, this one reminds me of the power rangers.... I sighed looking at random paintings, not really paying attention anymore. Although one painting caught my eye, It was a giant painting taking up most of the wall. Its called "??? World" 

Suddenly, the lights flickered. Thiking it was just a mini power outage I walked away from the painting. Going down the hallway, there was nobody there..... Gone.....They were all Gone.....

Alright I'll update tonight if I can  if not then Tommorow morning ^_^ Ja ne!! 

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