Violet Day

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I was being shacked up by Ms. Kotten and let me tell you I am NOT use to people waking me up I usually wake up to a alarm so I was pretty shack ended up some I let out a ear piercing scream. Which made Ms. Kotten yelp like a seagull.

"Demon shapers! You scared me go down stairs a girl is hear to adopt you and wants a audition now" I gave her a blank look. .

And do you guys know how I know destney? Well she is my little sister so I'm like her mother.


I went to see a girl that looked at least 17-20 so I'm guessing 18 from the way she dresses. I sat in the seat across from her. I looked down, lets just say unlike a Destiny I'm shy.

"Hi I'm Bethany" Oh lord she's perky,she giggled "don't worry I'm like this 95% of the time"

I laughed then froze I never laughed since before the incident and so did ms. Karen and ms. Kotten.

"What's wrong?"

"Ma'am I never laughed ever till this very day"

She blinked then smiled like a idiot "really?!?!??!!?"

I nod.

This day is either the best day of my life or the weirdest but whats next shocks me.

"Lets do questions! So how are you?"

"I'm 12"

"I would ask more questions but I have to interview another girl"

"oh" I looked down knowing I'm not getting adopted

"And guess what?"


"Pack your bags!"

I was happy but didnt show it. Then I remembered Destiny.

'I ca'nt go with you"

"why not?" She looked really hurt

"I can't go without Destiney she is my sister"

"thats who I'm interviewing next!!!"

"then I'll pack"

Adopted by Bethany Mota  *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now