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Location: ASAN Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Time: 9:25 am

Jungkook, for the first time since working as an assassin for 3 years, is doing his job daytime.

A killer like him works best at night, when everyone else is asleep. In his line of work, the fewer the people, the better.

He sighed as he waited patiently, adjusting his face mask. He needs to be careful. Even though he's not there to instantly kill the target, he has to make sure that his face won't be recorded by any cctv camera.

He surveyed the area. A lot of children are playing in the corridors together with their nurses. Some of them have dextrose attached to their small limbs.

Jungkook sighed. He hates the smell of hospitals. It makes him feel sick to death.

Why does he have to be a doctor?

The assassin irritatedly crunched his nose. He's getting impatient every minute.

His instincts became alert, feeling someone approaching him from the back of his seat. He turned around with dagger looks, only to be welcomed by a pouting little girl who's on the verge of crying just from looking at his deadly stare.

He rolled his eyes at the sight. Jungkook doesn't like kids, especially kids who are cry babies like this one.

"Don't tell me you're gonna cry?" Jungkook boredly said, making the little girl's face afraid even more. Her lips are trembling and eyes watery, signs that she'll cry any moment.

And she cried, loud enough for everyone to turn their attention to them. Jungkook sighed in irritation.

He's been quietly waiting for his target for an hour, not making any sound so no one will pay him attention. Now, thanks to this whiny little girl, everyone's eyes are on him.

"I didn't do anything. I swear." He raised his hand and acted cutely.

Fuck. I shouldn't have taken this assignment. This is fucking annoying.

"Y-you bad! Hana is... a-afraid." The little girl whined even more.

"No baby. I'm not bad.... here, candy." Jungkook handed a candy to the little girl, hoping she'll soon shut up.

The little girl looked at the candy he's holding, hesitating if she's going to take his peace offering.

"Take it Hanna." A voice from behind made the little girl turn around.

"Princess Doctor!" The little girl ran and hid behind the newly arrived man.

Jungkook looked up to see the man's face and smirked, good thing he's wearing a mask.

Right in front of him is the man he's been waiting for.

Kim Taehyung.

He is wearing a white lab coat, underneath is a blue long sleeves polo tucked in jeans. His blue hair complimenting his small handsome face, making him look like an anime character.

Jungkook has to admit that he's a very beautiful man. No doubt the little girl called him "Princess Doctor" cause he really looks like one.

Taehyung looked lovingly at the child."Hanna baby, don't you like the candy?" He said, showing his boxy smile. He wiped the tears from the child's small face.

The little girl nodded shyly, glancing at the candy still in Jungkook's hand. Taehyung chuckled at the child's cuteness.

"Go and take it baby. Mr..." Taehyung trailed off, waiting for Jungkook to give his name.

"Lee. Lee Songjoon."

Jungkook is not a fool to give away his real identity to anyone, especially not to his target.

Taehyung nodded and continued, "Mr. Lee seems to be a good man." He said, convincing the child.

The little girl slowly walked towards him, eyes fixed on the candy. She snatched it and ran away from them.

Taehyung sighed and approached him.

"Sorry about that Mr. Lee." He said, smiling at him.

"It's okay, no harm done..... Dr. Kim." Jungkook pretended to read the nametag attached on the doctor's lab coat.

"Yes. Kim Taehyung, a pediatric surgeon." He offered his hand that Jungkook immediately took.

"Nice to meet you Dr. Kim." Jungkook acted amused. He held the doctor's hand a bit longer than usual.

Taehyung felt like the man won't let go of his hand.. "Uhmm.. Mr. Lee.. my hand." He finally said after a minute of awkward hand-holding and intense staring.

"Oh. Sorry.. it's just that.. you're so pretty." Jungkook smiled at himself as he saw Taehyung's cheeks turn bright red.

Taehyung averted his gaze and cleared his throat. He tries to change the topic. "I don't see a child with you Mr. Lee. Why are you here in the pediatric ward?"

Jungkook smirked. Things are going smoothly according to his plan.

In order for him to complete the tasks, he needs to track every move of his target. The best way that he thought of is to hack the device that every human being carries all the time.


"I'm waiting for my sister and her daughter." Jungkook lied. He should congratulate Yoongi later for coming up with a script.

"Oh, that explains it." Tae mumbled.

Jungkook has to keep the conversation going or else he won't be able to accomplish his plan.

"Yeah. I've been waiting for an hour now but they haven't come out yet. My phone's battery is dead, so I can't contact them." Jungkook faked his sadness. He sighed to make his acting a bit real.

Luckily for him, Taehyung has a soft heart. He said the words that Jungkook's been dying to hear.

"You can use my phone if you want." Taehyung suggested.

"Is it okay? I mean, won't that be a bother to you?" Nice acting Jeon Jungkook. He smirked.

"No it's fine. Here, take it." Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and gave his phone.

This. is. easy.

Jungkook pretended to dial the number of her sister. He carefully opened the browser and entered the link Yoongi told him. In less than a minute, Yoongi was able to hack Tae's phone. To avoid suspicion, Jungkook continued his sweet act.

He lifted the phone to his ear and pretended to talk to someone in the other line.

"You're already outside? Okay, noona, I'll go there now." Jungkook ended the call. He faced Taehyung who's oblivious of what he did.

"Thank you Dr. Kim." Jungkook bowed at him to show his gratitude. Taehyung did the same.

"It's my pleasure to help." Taehyung smiled.


Jungkook, grinning from ear to ear, left the hospital. He reminded himself to thank the little girl who made his job easier.

His Killer  |  KOOKV ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang