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On the morning of my weekend birthday bash, I expected to have the morning to myself. However, I was completely mistaken. April came over to my apartment before I took a bath or had breakfast. From there, my day started to get rowdy.

After I cooked breakfast and we ate, she'd gone into details about my first upcoming party. This one was mostly with family members. Compared to the party later that night, she was more forthcoming about the guest list. But I knew, since she'd already told me herself, I still have time to coerce her and give up that information as she'll be accompanying me the whole day.

When it was close to the time for my first party, April suddenly drops one surprise under my nose.

"What do you mean Zoey and Julian offered Jeffrey's service to us?" I stared at her coolly.

"Like what I said. To be clear, Jeffrey will be chauffeuring us today." She replied.

"You can't be serious. And how the hell did you managed that? Jeffrey is Julian's trusted employee."

"He has someone else drive him and Zoey for the day. From my conversation with Zoey, I think they had Albert on the wheel."

I stared at her in disbelief. "My god, April. You can't ask sweetly to our parents. And Julian's my boss. Why do you keep forgetting that detail when you're making all of these decisions?"

"Don't blame me it all on me. I told Zoey that we might need a ride based on the looks of our schedule today."

"Of course, Zoey would offer help. You know that. But you're the one benefitting their good nature. They've already offered to help us out with the venue, April. It's unethical that they'll continue giving us more for free." I argued.

April studied my expression, whether trying to determine if I was bluffing. But since I kept on glaring at her, she understood how serious I was.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I should have told you. But I can't refuse this offer. It'll be rude now. So, think of it as me benefitting on this." She offered.

I kept on glaring at her. "Next time. Tell me, okay?"

"Sure." She nodded.

Seeing a good window, I took my chance. "Since you did this stunt, I think you're entitled to be open with me about that guest list. Who exactly are you inviting tonight?"

Finally, the tension uplifted and her sly grin was back. "I've said, don't worry about it. You know most of these people."

"Most? You mean, you've invited strangers?" I stared at her in disbelief. "So, help me god, April, if you've invited anyone I used to know..." I trailed off, overcome with emotion.

Like that, April understood the root of my distress about her being unforthcoming about the guest list. "Oh my god, is that what you're worried about? That I might invite..." She trailed off in disbelief. "I'm not stupid, Amy. I won't do that to you. My own sister. No. Of course, I haven't invited anyone from your past."

I stared and observing her expression. She looked sincere. I sighed in relief and dropped my mission for now.

"Good. At least I've ruled that out now."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Come on. You need to change. And I need to be there to judge your closet."

"You don't have to. I'll wear something appropriate for today's occasion."

She snorted and gestured towards my bedroom. "Please. This might be just mom and dad, and a couple of our relatives. But it's no reason to look like an uptight corporate woman."

Elegant Deception (Book 3 of the Girls in Suits Series)Where stories live. Discover now