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Dean returned to my table and sat down. And Grant excused himself, going back to his office.

"If these people don't leave, Grant permitted me to call the police for some assistance. But I reassured him that I've called back-up. So, we are good." He leaned close and kept his voice low.

"Can we secure the place before the guest arrives? I don't want any ruckus to happen—" I stopped when I felt my phone, which I had been holding, vibrate with an incoming call. "It's Zoey. Where should I take it?" I looked up at Dean.

He nodded towards Grant's office. "Go to Grant's office. He'll let you use it."

When I reached a small room beside what seemed to be the staff room, I knocked twice.

"Come in," Grant called out.

I opened the door and snuck a peek before I entered. "Mr. Sarchet, I got Zoey on the phone. May I use your office for privacy?"

Grant got up and gestured inside. "Please do. And let me know how to handle this situation better. I don't want to stress the staff that something might... you know," he said.

"Of course. And thank you for accommodating us."

"It's my pleasure, Ms. Nolan. Besides, Jensen's not going to like if I ruined his sister-in-law's party." He added with a cheeky grin.

After he left, I called back Zoey as I already missed her call just getting here. She picked up on the second ring.

"Amy, I just read your message. I'm sorry. Julian called me and told me everything Dean told him. Are you okay? Are any of the guests there already?"

"I'm okay, Zoey. It is just Dean and me for now. So, we're still good. Where are you?"

"We're still at the apartment."

"Zoey, I suggest you stay away until we sort this out. If any of the guests do arrive, I think Dean and I will be able to handle it. The owner of the café, Mr. Sarchet, is giving us a hand as well."

"I'm glad those two are there to help out. But Julian has a plan."

"What plan?"

"He's calling for back-up. Just hang on and let Dean take the lead." She ordered before ending the call.

Once the time was up, the staff helped Dean vacate the premises. However, a group of paparazzi refused to leave the entrée way of the café. Dean, at first, gave them a fair warning. Yet these groups were persistent.

When the first group of guests arrived, I was outside with Dean, standing guard by the door. It was Kyla and her friends. The paparazzi have bombarded them with flashes of their camera as they got out of the black SUV.

Thankfully, they weren't alone. Another car pulled up. It was Jensen, Dante (his personal assistant and chauffeur), and a man I wasn't acquainted with.

Grant broke off from us and called out to Jensen and the other guy, who he named Reed. Dante and Reed walked up to Dean and me by the door. Jensen caught the attention of the group of paparazzi. This gave Kyla, her friends Coleen, Megan, Rose, and Marie time to safely get inside the café.

Kyla was able to grab hold of me and drag me along with her group. As we were securely inside, Kyla turned to me in worry.

"Are you okay, Amy? What were you doing outside with that commotion?"

"I'm okay, Kyla. I was helping Dean and Grant since they were short of manpower. Plus, the staff already has their hands full for the party," I replied and gestured at the five staff, who just finished cleaning up and successfully covered the window for privacy.

Elegant Deception (Book 3 of the Girls in Suits Series)Where stories live. Discover now