R. VIII Stitches

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Ezekiel's POV

After eating my friends and I decided to go to the mall, roam around and play at the arcade I guess. 

"Mom, can we borrow the car?" I asked for my mother's permission. I'm not in the mood to commute to the mall. 

"And why?" She said, raising her brows at me. She can be really strict sometimes. 

"We're going to the mall. Roam around there I guess." I said. It's fine if she wont let me. 

"Okay, here's the keys. Take care okay? Oh and please buy me some ice cream sweet heart." My mother said. 

"Okay mom. we'll be leaving." I said then kissed her cheeks. 

"bye tita! See you again soon!" They both kissed my mothers cheek.

"Alright boys, take care!" My mother said, we only waved at her and we rode our car. 

"It's so quiet, geoff put some music on." Jamie said, because Geoff is seated beside me. 

"Is it okay dude?" Geoff asked me.

"Go on, I don't mind." I said and focused on driving. 

Geoff turned on the car's radio and the song started playing

I thought that I've been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life

Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on

You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
I'm tripping over myself
Aching begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches

I tried focusing on the road, pretending that I don't hear the song. 

but because my friends likes to annoy me, they sang along with so much emotions, singing their hearts out. 

Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on

I cant take it anymore.

"Guys, shut up will you? So annoying." I rolled my eyes then turned off the radio. 

"Hey! we're singing!" Jamie complained.

"Yeah right, you guys just want to annoy me." I told them. It's the truth! I know them too well.

"Dude come on, seriously? Stop over reacting about Le--" Geoff said

I glared at him so he paused.

"Alice rather, she left for a reason, and you know that reason, it's not like--" I cute him off.

I always cut geoff off because he's the one who initiates to talk about Lesley. 

Alice is Lesley's first name. 

"I know and I understand. It just hurts man, and I miss her so much. It feels like years since she left me, and all I can do is wait for her to come back." I opened up to them, They're still my best friends after all. 

"But bro, Alice wont be happy if she hears how you are doing, she might blame herself." Jamie said

"I know, but I just can't help it, I feel so incomplete, empty, drained. I love her so much bro, but she chose to leave." my eyes remained on the road while talking. tears building up in my eyes. 

"bro, you just have to wait, who know's when she will be back right?" Geoff tried to comfort me but I'm beyond fixing. 

only Lesley can fix me. 

"but until when can I wait? It's not like she told me when she will come back. Heck she didn't even told me she was about to leave." I shook my head in so much disappointment. 

"Don't ask until when you'll wait, you know for yourself that you will never give up waiting for her." He said like he was so certain about it. 

He was right though. I'll never give up. For Lesley, I would never. 

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