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"Look we can explain okay? Just finish your food and we'll tell you everything. Anything you'd like to know." Hans pleaded. Again.

How? Why? What?

So many questions were thundering in my head.

How will I get out of this nonsensical situation? Why would Jake leave me alone when he knew I needed him the most? What in the world is DDLG?

I hadn't uttered a word, except 'I won't eat', since they called me I just lost my appetite. Were they pedophiles? I mean I'm not really a child but, still. I look like one and they do call me baby so...hope it makes sense.

Nathan a.k.a. Red head tried feeding me a few times but everytime he lifted the spoon I'd always turn my head away.

Past half an hour had gone by with the same routine, they try explaining but Adamson cuts them off saying they'll tell me everything in details only if I finish my food. Then they feed me which too I deny nonchalantly, and this cycle went on.

"No please!! I'm not hungry, at all" I whined for the millionth time now. Adamson thinks I'm being a brat and that he's gonna make me clean my plate of what he's served me, no matter what, but I absolutely do not want them. And he's prepared a meal for ten people. Jake was supposed to come soon but he said he'd be late 'cause he got stuck in some work so he'll come before dinner.

His patience started wearing off with time and he became restless. I quietly unstrapped the belt not showing my obvious thoughts.

"You don't give me an attitude when I tell you to do something little girl, you are doing nothing but inviting trouble for all of us" Adamson wasn't having any of my reasons though. He's ready to tie me up and feed me.

Uh oh

I got off the chair and ran upstairs and into his room as it was the closest, finding a place to hide. I could hear him stomping up the stairs fast, I started looking around real quick realising I cornered myself.

Should I just listen to him?

I quickly decide against the idea and tucked myself under his bed just in time before the door swumg open. Being small can have it's own perks at times, I fit snugly under the bed, not quite a comfortable place to stay in though. I stay as quiet as possible waiting for him to leave. From my hiding spot, only his fluffy slippers had to help me navigate his position. With four long strides he was right in front of the bed. I completely stopped breathing. After an agonizing minute or so he sat down on the bed and pulled his leg up leaving his slippers down. I figured he planned to take a nap so I needed to wait a little before he's totally out.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't notice he'd turned the lights off. Under the bed at night with lights off? Not a great idea. I squirmed a bit, trying to crawl around and see if I get a sign if light anywhere.

Because I was moving around so much I failed to see my legs were outside. Next thing I know a hand grabs my leg and I scream bloody murder and successfully bang my head really hard when I get up. At least try to.

The lights are back on and I can hear nothing except the beep in my ears, feeling my head heavy. I can see hands from front of me and they pull me out from under the bed carefully so as to not hurt my head again. When I'm completely outside, I get up swiftly making a run for the door from where Nate and Hans had entered. But as I took a step the room started spinning and I stumbled upon my own leg falling face first on the ground.

I'll die of embarrassment before I die of anything else.

They soon came to my rescue putting me on the bed and Adamson running downstairs to get the ice pack when he noticed me holding my head with both hands. I hadn't realised my ears were better and I could hear someone's cries.

Girlfriend to a Baby Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin