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Name: John Fawn Goodwill

Nickname: Side Kick, Ripper, The Second Slayer, John the Demon, Mute, Mad John, Shredder, dammed, and the dammed assistance.

Alias & Fame: DzZ-954A, MIA, Doom's right hand man, Killer, Marine, Slayer, Headhunter, Doom (shared), and Boom.

Gender: Male

Race: Genetically Modified human

Personality: Loyal, ruthless, insane, Sadistic.

Age: »Unkown«

Birthdate: Mar. 15 4293

Birthplace: Semi Demon controlled Earth

Current Location: Hell Dimension, 4086


Background: On Mar. 15, 4315 when Humanity was fighting against the demons, a dying alien was found with a message and a box. After years of planning and waitin to see if the box was safe and several more years to decode the information, scientist found out the message read "Earthlings you have once again opened a rift not meant to be broken, just like my kind once did. In the beginning we were mast and prideful until we made the ^°¢™¥€××׶~∆={} {{{ which allowed us to open up different dimensions. However the power of the dimension you are currently fighting was to much for my species who died under their force and enslaved to work at the heart of the inferno. Later on thanks to the Soul [℅©][[[¢{{®¶¢×℅¥... we, the few that was left, were able to close the rift, and dispose of the remaining threat. However by the time we were done to many were dead and we all fled and separated. Throughout your history the ones that fled to your planet left impressions on you civilizations, from the "wheel" to the pyramids, the clock, hover cars, etc, etc. The technology given to you by me is a machine for time travel, use it well. By the time you translate this hopefully your species won't be wiped out. " At this time John was already in the fighting force, killing as many demons as he could. Later on however John, the leader and the rest of his squadren was called to test this device. The squadren were instantly transported in hell were they immediately went to work. Soon however the team was wiped out one by one until all that was left was John and the leader. They were then ambushed and although they killed all of the demons, the cave was collapsing coincidentally the only way across was through a canyon of lava, seeing this John proceeded to grab Doom and throw him across successfully but forever separating them. However just when John thought he'd remain trapped, a cacodemon flew below which he then processes to use as transportation. Still alive he decided to search for the leader and kill as many demons as possible. (A/N: I know a lot of however and bad grammar)

Family: Deceased

(More pronounced muscles, especially in the arms)

»Appearance«(More pronounced muscles, especially in the arms)

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Height: 6'1

Weight: 183 pounds

Eye color: Hazel with red tint
(Something like this)

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