coffee date with jimin.

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you walked in and placed yourself right in the corner of the small cafe. even though it was pretty much empty, it felt comforting to sit there. you listened in on the acoustic music being played in the background, accompanied by the sounds of distant chit chat and coffee machines being filled. you find yourself staring out of the glass window that stretched from wall to wall, watching the fluorescent lights of cars drag across the roads and light up the darkness of the streets. it was already dark, a mixture of navy and purple colours and dark, hazy clouds filled the sky. you followed peoples movements,  scanning peoples faces to check if he was here yet, but nothing. your gaze occasionally switched to the cafe door, waiting for the little bell to ding, but again, nothing.


you fiddled with your rings on your fingers as they glistened with the warm lighting coming from the cafe ceiling, you were getting impatient and a little bored. with a small pout on your lips, you huffed, but the huff was interrupted with a small ringing. your head shot up faster than ever and you eyes looked hopefully at the cafe entrance and to your luck, it was jimin, out of breath and a jacket half on his body. he looked as though he had just ran here and considering the situation, you didn't doubt it. with a worried expression, his gaze shot back and forth around the cafe until he spotted you, then he sprinted over to your table and kissed your cheek for a brief moment, before sitting down in a very flustered manner.

"i am so so so sorry for being late!! i promise i tried to get here as fast as i could but, but you see-"

he started to profusely apologise and stutter ever word, but all you could do is giggle to yourself. he looked so cute all flustered and to be honest, a mess. his blonde hair was all ruffled and his face red from running. it warmed your heart that he was so worried about making you wait that you couldn't be mad, not even for a second.

"jiminie, hey! it's okay, i promise! i wasn't even waiting for long!"

you chuckled in between your words as you reassured him to calm him down. he took your hand from across the table and took a deep breath in to calm himself down too.
"okay, okay.. i just felt so bad, it makes me so sad when i let you down.." he seemed so genuinely upset that he may have let you down, and it melted you.
" jiminie look, i promise it's not a big deal!! don't stress about it, how was your day anyways?"
you said trying to distract him from his worries.
then he told you about his day and about how namjoon helped him on his new song and how excited he was for everyone to hear it, especially you. hearing his soft voice pour out of his lips made you feel so secure for some reason. there was something about jimins voice that was so comforting, it was as if when he would talk, his words would pull you in and engulf you in a tight hug, making you feel safe and wanted. you could listen to him talk endlessly.
you sat there admiring his face lighting up as he continued talking about his song and the meaning of it, his twinkling eye smile and his puffy cheeks moving whenever he talked and his pouty, plump lips, all features of an angel.

then it was your turn to tell him about your day. he sat there and returned the favour, admiring every word that came out of your mouth and every feature of you as he stroked your hand with his thumb and rested his cheek on his small fist. his gaze made your heart beat inhumanly fast and your cheeks went scarlet red as you carried on talking.
you both enjoyed catching up about each other's day, it made you closer as a couple as he was busy a lot. even though you both lived together, you'd always meet up like this. it felt like the same relationship as three years ago, it was as sweet and fresh as the first time you met him.

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