beach date with namjoon.

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your feet slowly submerged into the golden grains, still vaguely damp from the escaping tide. you let your lids fall shut. taking a deep breath in, you inhaled the salty air and let it travel through your body and clear your head, a sweet release from all your stress and worries. you rose your arms to your side and let out a relived sigh, the rest of your body dropped down in response. it was as if all that stress and all those worries were vanishing from your body.

your outstretched hand, soon to feel something hold onto it tightly, steadily consuming it with a tingling warmth. the feeling engulfed the rest of your body soon enough. the previous feelings of doubt and worry had left and been replaced by new ones, comforting ones.

your hand gradually descended down, still joint with another, whilst your eyes gradually freed themselves from darkness. your vision was taken up by the muted rose, honey and sapphire colours painting across the sky but as you turned you head, you saw the figure who's hand was connected to yours. your sight led you to a head of fluffy, sandy-brunette hair, down to his navy and white striped shirt that loosely hung on his wide shoulders, accompanied by a pair of red tinted sunglasses hanging from the neck line. he sported crisp white linen shorts and some sand covered flip flops that were a little too small for his feet. his face was angled in your direction and as soon as you made eye contact he wore a wide smile upon his thick lips, being tugged by deep, dreamy dimples imprinted on his dusted cheeks. his smile was a smile that made you feel safe and soothed, calm and consoled, refreshed and reassured. you directed a cheesy grin back at him and spoke softly
'your here.'
'yup.' his eyebrows shot up as the corners of his mouth raised with them. he spoke with clarity, his voice sounding deep and pleasant to listen to. excited emotions peered through his manly voice, not drained or monotone like past lovers.
'why did you want to come here anyway?' you questioned looking at the beige beach beneath your bare feet.
'to find some crabs.' he said as if it was incredibly obvious that he wanted to search the shores for sea creatures for our Friday date.

he suddenly slipped from your fingertips, running west to a small burrow to search for any potential friends. namjoon adored crabs nearly as much as he adored you. he had a whole pinterest board dedicated to pictures of all different kinds, he could go on about them for hours; the different species, the sizes of those different species, what colours they were, where they are found, it was as if he'd studied them for years. it was cute to see him so infatuated with something so simple as crabs.
you decided to finally catch up with joon, jogging over the waterlogged ground, imprinting shallow foot prints that layed next to joons deep ones, you could even tell his eagerness from this footprints.
you crouched down next him, watching his eyes glisten as he dug a hole as the salt water poured in, hopeful to bring in a small crustacean of some kind.
'found any yet?'
'nope' he said with ambition lining his rich voice.
soon enough, a petite pale peach crab flowed into the dip your boyfriend had formed.
he hurriedly submerged two large hands in the crystal water, cupped them underneath the sea creature and lifted it up with the upmost care, as if it was as precious and as fragile as glass. it tickled the mans soft palms as it sprinted across the surface, weaving in and out of the dips in between his fingers that must have seemed like mountains to the minute creature.
you extended your finger tips until the touched the frosted spots on the crabs body, finding it scurrying up your finger and settling on a little mole on the top of your hand.
'oh! he seems to like you, or she'
his mouth widened, parting his plump lips and exposing his pearl teeth. he let a amused giggle surface and you mirrored the action. the mirroring continued, as you both looked up at the same time, both at each other, both right into each other's pupils, both immersed in each other's souls and observing each other's hearts beat in unison. you were in sync, two synchronised minds incapable of separation. you were bonded, fused, synthesised to share the same thoughts, to the point where you knew each other inside and out, you knew what every movement of his meant, every word, every silence
and he knew all of that about you too.

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