Chapter Two: Part Four

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*Johns POV*

John was in the dark, hiding. He was in a long hallway, in front of him was a large white door which was open just a crack. It was through this crack that John saw his target, a dark-skinned woman with long brown hair. She was having a frantic argument with a grey-haired man, Sheriff Keller. They both had their backs to him, as they were reading some kind of map that was on the table. Now was his chance, from the inside of his coat he pulled out the pistol he'd been hiding. It was cold in his hand.

Grasping the gun tightly he stood and kicked open the door making both Sheriff Keller and the woman jump. John aimed and fired at the sheriff, the first shot hit him in the shoulder and he went down screaming. John fired again, this time hitting the Sheriff in the head. Silencing him.

In Johns head he was screaming at himself to stop but it was like he'd been locked away in his own head. He watched through his own eyes as the brown-haired woman cowered in front of him. John pointed his gun at her, his hand shaking.

"Don't do it!" John tried to scream at himself but it didn't work. John watched in horror as he pulled the trigger again and again and again until the gun clicked empty. Suddenly John was back in control. He dropped the gun and backed away from the body that was now bleeding out onto the floor.

He went to run but stopped in his tracks when he turned to see Archie and his Dad.

His Dad shook his head at John "what have you done"

Tears began to flow down Johns face "Dad I didn't have a choice..."

"But you pulled the trigger" Archie countered

"You're no son of mine" His Dad yelled as John broke down completely...


John's eyelids flickered open, Malachai was stood over him and he looked annoyed.

"Fucks sake man you sleep like the dead"

John sat up and took a deep breath "What do you want Malachai"

"Well I kinda need you here for the planning but I've also heard you screaming 'It's not my fault' in your sleep"

John got up and slipped on his Ghoulies Jacket "It's nothing"

"John, you know why you have to do this right. If you don't our families suffer. Your Dad dies, my Gran gets's the end for us"

"I know what's at stake Malachai, get me the plans on the Mayor's house, I want to go over them again"

*Jughead's POV*

He'd given Archie, Betty and Veronica places to look for John but if he was honest, he'd pretty much sent them on a wild goose chase. There was only one man who knew the gangs in this town like the back of his hand and only Jughead would be able to get close to him because only Jughead knew his secret. He had to see his father.

His dad was a leading member of the Serpents, if anyone would know what gang John had joined and what their plans were, it would be him but he hadn't talked to his father for over a year now. Not since he'd left home to get away from him. That's why, at the door to his father's trailer, he hesitated. There was no question that linking back up with his dad was worth it to save John but there was still a part of him that didn't want to see his father ever again.

"Well well, this is a surprise" said a familiar voice from behind him.

Jughead turned to see his father, half drunk and stood at the bottom of the stairs that led up to his trailer.

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