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The fourth of July, a pretty shitty and boring holiday.

“Kaminari” Sero, looked down at the nice floor of the gas station.

“Yeah bud” the blonde replied, looking at some candy.

“Want to spend the fourth with me”

“Yeah, I mean we always spend it together with the gang”

‘Well I I meant like just you” he paused “and me”


“As like a date”

Pikachu smiled, “You ruined it man, I was gonna ask you out at fireworks damnit”

“Oh, OH you were?”

“Meet you at 8”

“Ye yeha”


“sero what” her voice was sleepy.


“WHAT” she yelled.

Mina arrived looking distasteful at his outfit. She pulled everything from his closet looking for a specific shirt she say him where once about a year ago. Sero sat patiently thinking it was Todoroki shirt he borrowed from Bakugou because he had nothing else to wear.  She never did find it, she opted out on a blue polo she found while digging through his clothes, she realized he’s never worn most of it at least in public. His hair was, as usual, greasy.

She looked at the time and decided sadly that he didn’t have time for it. She throw him some pants and looked for a fanny pack to match, she brought her collection combined with his is 13. Sero was thinking of every possible way to fvck this up as Mina put his hair into a pony.

“Alright I think, I think your set mate”

He was wearing a pair of light wash jeans along with a flowery fanny pack with a baby blue polo. “Yeah,” he smiled.

Knocking on a door has never been so dreadful, at least not as Sero could remember. After knocking scrambling happened on both sides.

“Hanta, you’re here on time”

“You think I was gonna be late”

“Well no”

They had privilege to the roof, as Denki father worked for the apartment. They sat watching the sunset waiting for people to light of fireworks. Sero’s hand grasped onto the warm object that held it. As the orange faded whistles and explosion started happening but not many.

Denki was wearing, a manly outfit. A sweater that looked like Bakugou’s but probably was an old sweater of Denki’s, black ripped jeans, a hat  surprisingly enough.

“You look nice” Sero commented.

“You look pretty fine yourself, I love the fanny pack”

The moon stood in the sky watching the filthy species. Denki had cuddled up into Hanta becoming surrounded by legs and warmth. Sparkly lights started to fill the sky as loud noises began to fill the ears of ongoers. Sero decided to bring sparklers, he pulled some out of his fanny pack offering one to Kaminari. He took it asking for a lighter and standing playing with the pretty, sparkly, dangerous stick. Sero after a minute of watching the blonde act like a child he joined in playing with two because he knew he was superior than the childish ways of the Pikachu imposter.

After fighting with a fire hazard they sat back down watching people start other explosives on fire. Until they fell asleep waking up with colds because it is not very healthy to fall asleep on the roof.

Ok so sorry if any the character's ever out of character also sorry if these are short

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