The Quiet Ranch

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That's all Pit could feel out on the ranch he surprisingly asked his brother Kearn to bring him to. The way the crisp air blew against his cheeks, the wind causing his brunette strands of hair to wave calmly in the direction the wind came from. Strangely, he didn't talk much as much as he used to, Kearn feeling strange about the silence but welcomed it nonetheless. 

But relaxation aside, Pit excitedly entered the stable where he met his two horses, Phos and Lux, the neighed in a greeting toward the excited male who entered. 

"Hi guys!" He opened the stable gate and let them out, petting their faces and running his hands through their manes. All the while, he gently untied the knots in their beautiful mane so it didn't look so clumped up. It wasn't much, but the horses seemed to be thankful for the gesture as Pit slowly latched them to his chariot, the light silver shimmering in the sun beams that poured down on it.

Pit opened the stable doors widely to let them out, the horses waiting for him to climb aboard before they started to run freely, their manes flowing in the wind while their rider cheered with glee. All Kearn did is watch from afar on his phone, keeping the camera ready just in case he was gonna fall at any point, but at least enjoyed the happiness of his brother.

The blue eyed male freely rode around with the horses, laughing and giggling but quickly stopped when another rider came running towards him, quickly jerking on the horses to slow them down but unfortunately got thrown forward along with the other rider. The trio of horses all raised their hooves up, neighing as they looked down at their riders who had fallen off.

"I... I am so sorry!" The other rider quickly helped Pit up, picking a bit off grass that went into his hair and dirt that went onto his face. "I didn't see you, I wasn't paying attention.." They spoke in a quiet tone, rubbing their arm nervously while Pit smiled reassuringly.

"No worries! Though what were you doing if you didn't see me or hear me?" Pit rose an eyebrow questioningly, to which he quickly changed the subject before he even got an answer. "How rude of me! Where are my manners, my name is Pit!" He chuckled, putting his hand out for the other person to shake.

"Link." He smiled shyly, weakly shaking Pit's hand for a moment before they let go. "You've got incredibly horses there, they look beautiful." Link mumbled quietly, staring at the horses with fascination while holding onto his own, much taller horse. "This one is Epona.. What are yours named?" 

"Phos and Lux!" Pit stood between the two horses proudly, the two shaking their heads to show off their white but pink tinted manes. To which, Link looked fascinated by. "They're the best pair of horses I know!"

"Lovely, Epona is the only horse that loves me a whole lot, though I'm not sure why she does." Link reached up and wrapped his arms around Epona's neck as she lowered her head down against his. "She loves to cuddle with me, sometimes won't even let me get up." He chuckled as Epona nodded her head somewhat. 

"Phos and Lux are very tame, but almost uncontrollable outside of the barn. That's why I couldn't slow down in time to not bump into you hehe-" Pit chuckled as the horses stood proudly, not as gentle as loving as Epona was with Link. 

"Strange, I seem to know everyone that comes out here, odd that I've never seen you before." Link pet Epona's mane gently as Pit's horses settled down on either of his shoulders. "Do you come here often?" 

"No, not really. I come here once every week or so to check up on them." He smiled, just realizing how exhausting it could be screaming and yelling with his heart thudding in his chest from the rush of adrenaline. 

"I come here every few days per we-" 


A girly voice screamed as hooves stomped closer, making both males raise their head, a flash of white dashing by and another person rolling with Link onto the ground. 

"Hah! I caught you this time!" The female sat on Link's back triumphantly, the dazed and confused male below her, wheezing slightly from the weight put onto him. "You weren't expecting that were you?" She sounded proud of herself as Link nodded weakly.

"Um- Who are you?" Pit looked at the girl sitting on top of Link as she gasped, standing up quickly but keeping a foot stomped on his back to prevent him from getting up. 

"I'm Zelda! Link, how dare you not introduce me to your boyfriend!" She teased, pouting slightly with her hands on her hips, her small figure somehow keeping the man down. Or was he just laying there because the grass was soft? Sure looked comfortable. 

"Oh I'm not- We just met a few seconds ago-" Pit smiled nervously as he swore he watched Link tense up in embarrassment and squirm to get up out from underneath her boot stamped on his back. 

"Zelda-" Link whined as Zelda rolled her eyes, letting him up and dust himself off. 

"Huh, you're not in a usual fighting- Hey!" She yelped, Link picking her up and throwing her over her shoulder with ease. She pounded at his back, wanting to be let free while kicking. Yet Link stood there as if he wasn't phased.

"Does she always-?"

"Too often." Link sighed, keeping her legs down so she wouldn't accidentally kick Pit in the face, scolding her underneath his breath. "I'm sorry about her, I'm afraid I have to take her back to the ranch." He chuckled, putting his free hand on his hip. "But you seem nice, let's keep in touch, give me your phone real quick." Link held his hand out while Zelda kept on trying to wiggle out of his grasp, trying but failing terribly.

Pit nodded, opening his phone up to his contacts and handing it towards him. Link entered his phone number and even named it for him so he would recognize it. 

"There... I'll talk to you whenever I can, just gotta get this girl back to the ranch and tell her dad." Link smirked as Zelda flailed even more, chuckling at the more attempts she tried in order to escape. 

"Oh, I'll talk to you then!" Pit waved as Link climbed upon Epona, keeping Zelda trapped down with his arms and patting the side of Epona's neck to make her start running without being so forceful.

The brunette sighed quietly then looked down at his phone. 

Wait did some random guy just give him his phone number-?

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